Neil Gaiman: I was rather surprised in this magical CGI world, we’re now in, in which everything is sort of created in computers when I heard from Douglas that they have figured out how to do the Crowley driving the burning Bentley shots in that they’re going to do it by having Crowley driving a burning Bentley, and it will be on fire while he’s driving it. And it’s like… okayyy, that’s going to be interesting.
Rob Wilkins: Being a practical man I immediately think of things like insurance and not killing actors and things like that, but Douglas is convinced that he can do it without… killing anyone and uhm…
Neil Gaiman: I don’t know that he’s convinced, but he’s hopeful.
Rob Wilkins: But he’s hopeful - that’s admirable - in any director.
Neil Gaiman: And if we lose David Tennant driving a burning Bentley… what a way to go.
(this was before they decided to do it with CGI :), September 2017)