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I was worried about the trial. Hopefully it's one of those episodes that you can watch a couple of times and see there's a few different layers to it. There's a performance layer, there's a memory layer, and then there's bits where whoever's remembering it, you're like, well, why was he wobbling? Why couldn't he stand up straight? He is injured, but is the injury physical or is it psychological? I think it's more interesting, and Rolin probably thinks it's more interesting too, that all of the major injury is psychological because when they're so powerful, does it really take you 20 years to recover from a slit throat? So, it is more psychological damage, but [I was] always wanting to make sure there is a level that he is weak.

-Sam Reid. [x]


He had cut the man tenderly so that he could not call for help, but also so that his death was slow, meditative. For in bringing death, Lestat was an artist. — INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 1.02 | "After the phantoms of your former self"


"I didn't know it was a gift... I wore it like a curse... I was selfish… I tried to make nights awful for you… I wanted you to suffer... Because I was… suffering."

Interview with the Vampire Season 2 | Episode 8 "And That's the End of It. There's Nothing Else"


When you were using drugs, Mr. Molloy, do you remember the best you ever had? Berkeley, 1978. Some Mexican black tar that Carly and Pedro were slinging. So imagine that flowing inside your veins again. Now multiply it by miles, to the rings of Saturn and back.


Perhaps it was the modesty of the gesture…but in the spring of 1937, one broke through. He had written it himself in the music of the hour. His first composition in 100 years. He had engaged a local record company. And when the musicians they hired proved unsatisfactory, he played all the instruments himself. The audacity of it all was matched only by its sincerity. He had made the near-perfect valentine… with one flaw. One perfectly premeditated flaw.INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 1.06 | "Like Angels Put in Hell by God"

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