#progress itty bitty muscle he is so adowable #workout #90x
Say what you will about this movie but #manofsteel is probably one of my favourite superhero movies of all time. Its one of the major reasons i even considered getting off my ass and working out. Ps listen to Hans Zimmers score when you work out 👍 you might be a loser but there are some great tracks #inspiration #workout #excercisemotivation #nerdworkout
Some #rossgeller love 💘 Tired from that #workout last night, but really #imfine
Day 3 of #p90x is in the bag. I really need to do this at a different time, its 230 in the morning 😖 but at least I did the entire #shouldersandarms workout with 15 lbs. Getting #swell (yes not swole swell, I want my muscles to be happy chappies) At least I'm one step closer to being fit before Skynet becomes self aware. #workout #exp points up #levelup #exercise #healthy #skynetmustnotwin Obligatory eggplant. 🍆
After last night's crazy late #p90x #workout (never start one at 12 am) I'm honestly surprised I even got out of bed. Well now it's time to drink some #juice and go to work. #changethatlifestyle #offtoworkwego #exercise #gettingswolebrah
All done my #workout I'll be a strong boy like #polkaroo