It didn’t take long for conservative commentators to start hurling childish insults at their television sets last night during President Obama’s State of the Union address. As he mapped out his vision for America, he was called a “crapweasel president,” a “shameless snake” and a “bad man” giving a “stupid shit” speech.
Viewers disagreed, of course, and gave Obama’s address sky-high marks last night.
If you follow these regular vile eruptions you can’t be surprised. Over the yearsduring Obama’s annual, thoughtful national address, his feral critics have excitedly denounced him in real time as an “arrogant,” “flippant” “jerk.” He was “fake,” “thin-skinned,” “cocky and snide”; “patronizing,” “demagogic,” “unpresidential,” and really, really “arrogant.” And he often gave a “stupid,” “Castro-like,” “evil speech.”
Judging from its response to his State of the Union, we're looking at 12 months of uninterrupted right-wing outrage