Drafts Tsofph season 7: I will always be there for you.
Punch: And then. I'd go back to the beach and watch the beautiful sunset and stay until the stars come out.
Danny: What about me? Don't you wanna see me?
Punch: Nope. What I meant is my mother and my father!
Danny: Seriously? Then why do you want me to be there with you anyway?
Punch: You're my first partner so you're kinda very important to me. I never met someone who is much very like me! And I'm so happy.
Danny: And I'm the best-looking man in the world!
Punch: Heh! No way you will be the best man for me. Hey! Your hands are so cold! I'll finish knitting your mittens soon.
Danny: Christmas present huh? Would you be able to finish those mittens before Christmas Eve?
Punch: Look who's talking here!
Danny: Look! It's snowing!
Punch: Really?!
*They're going outside and Danny starts screaming happy for Punch*
Danny: Yooooo!! It's snow! Yaaaayyyyy!!
Punch: Wah! *Clumsy*
Danny: Are you all right? Don't run too fast!
Punch: Heh, sorry.
Danny: Punch!!
Punch: What?
Danny: Hehe....Punch!!
Punch: Yeah?
Danny: I'll make you see how much important I am! Just see how far I can be there for you!!
Punch: Hehe....What? I can't hear you!
Danny: Punch. You look kinda pretty from a distance.
"I will be there for you no matter what happens, Punch" Danny continues to play with Punch and hug her.