The world of libraries, the computer world, and the Artist world were the magic world. Have you ever wanted to know knowledge, to find the key to this Tsofph main story? And you want to know Punch more?
Tsubasa of Phantasia comic EP1-3 finally come out in this source: Pixiv
Tsubasa of Phantasia comic as Planning in the future: #Drafts
Hint main sad story and important
How Could the Same Minerals Form Different Rocks?:
Tsofph Concept stories as cover(All season): and 2022), The maiden man of the flower, Prologue: /sakuraswordly and
Gilgamesh’s death(Hint and The Things You Are To Me[Continue] )
Syaoran's Story at a Glance, Punch's Story at a Glance and Tsofph concept each season at a Glance (Draft tsofph season 11 spoiler )
Gilgamesh & Sonic: These are, indeed, the traces of the dream-like days./ Enkidu: — Ah. How sinful. I knew he was weak but I never considered his weakness. I knew he was strong but I never recognized his strength./ Hint: That's the reason behind why Punch hates humans and everything around her by nature, because Punch's "yang" personality is "Denial/Negativity."/ Danny: In short, an empty hole must be filled with something. Not with memories. Punch will have to create a newly assembled self after she kills the last piece of human life she had./ #Analysis ARIA by Kalafina / Punch: I don't care about the peace of your ideal. I live for myself. And the only way to change the world is to do it for yourself. / PUNCH(will be Gilgamesh later in the future): What do you know for sure? What can you understand about Punch? What can you believe about me?
Tsofph Concept short stories as comic and manga (All season) (Languages: Japanese, Icelandic, English): part1, part2, #Tsofph Season 12(Chapter1 What if)
Tsubasa of Phantasia comic ( These comics also connects to the key of this main story too. ):
EP1:, EP8:, Ep8.1:
EP11: EP16.1: comic /(Hint guide)
EP11.1: EP17:
EP12: EP18:
Ep12.1: EP18.1: comic/ Hint about Sonic
EP19.1 Special: I only enjoy human pleasure. Aren't we alike Homura?/ Hint What would happen if history changed or maybe it should be like this?
EP 20: Ep26:
EP 21: Ep27:
EP 21.1: Ep27.1:
EP 21.2: Ep27 Special skits:Mother title script
EP 22: Ep27: The promise from bathhouse
Ep 23 Ep27: Chester knew The ruins
Ep 23.1 Ep27:The promise to Saria
Ep 23.2 Ep28:
EP23 Special: Lelouch: The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed. But Syaoran, You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty.
EP23 Special: Sonic: If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime? Lelouch: Because to defeat evil, I must become a greater evil. That's why you chose to hate, Sonic.
Ep24: Ep28 Special: Homura x Danny scene
Ep25: Ep28.1:
Ep33: Drafts and Bouns The end of the world’s feeling and P2
Draft Next Comic Geology: Link
Draft Next Tsofph’story Comic: Annunaki gods(Gilgamesh killed Annunaki) and Kujaku’s decision
Other Old Announce:
Announce1: Link (Thank you to everyone who gives the information and channel to follow the news! Now I have the information I need. Thank you very much for including even the study materials. 🙏(୨୧•͈ᴗ•͈)◞ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏઽ*♡ )
Announce2: Link
Tsubasa of Phantasia analysis, hint and special short comic:
Announce3: Link
Announce4: Link
Announce5: Link
Announce6: Link(Forget to explain the chilli dog and things(Continue from this link)^^;. and Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh cooking skill(Avoid Gill's food))
Announce7: Link(Special: A little of Eda and Yuko relationship)
Announce8: Link (Why Punch and King Gilgamesh never hesitate to eradication or genocide, Let you know if the story contains Gore Intense Violence, Strong Language Mature Humor in the future.(Will add Game Rating Information) Explain Laws of Stratigraphy, Steno's law a bit)[And Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh share the same brain cells. ]
Announce9(Tsofph Concept): Link ( Everything Has a Price, Future Gospel(Hidden Magnetic Portal), Mystic eyes of death perception part 2 and Sonic’s wish)
Announce10: Link (design analysis, unbreakable bond and the meaning of “home”)
Announce11: Link
Announce12: A time for us and Corazón de Niño(Spoilers every Tsofph Ending all season that I already planned) Script: 1, 2
Analyze the characters (These also connects to the key of this main story too.) and habits of real-life people and living creatures:
- Sonic Crowe(Tsofph Season 6) [A little special due to New Year's Eve]
- Marie Curie(Explain more content of Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))
- Hana (Wolf Children)(Tsofph Season 8(Story of Daily Life) )
- Miles “Tails” Prower and Syaoran Tsubasa(Relationships in Tsofph Season 6 )
- L Change the World(L character analysis)
- Relationships between Maya Kitajima and Barbie(Tsofph Season 1)
- Velvet or Demon Saya(Tsofph Season 6-7) [ Velvet’s Comb]
- Relationships between Kohane Tsuyuri and Suzu Fujibayashi (Tsofph Season 1)/Bonus: Mirabel, Love also means wishing.
- Thomas Alva Edison(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))
- Mother of Mifune(Some spoiler from Tsofph Season 12(Chapter3 Happy Miracle Ending))[ Mother of Mifune: Can you tell me your True name? Sonic: My name is Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. You once did "Punch"...No..You once did my brother a good turn.] Draft
- Colin Reeds( Finding Paradise by Kan Gao ) (Tsofph Season 8(Story of Daily Life) )[And while some things are meant to stay. Some are only meant to carry you so far. There's a lot waiting for you, Colin.] Bonus: "I learned to fly because of you"
- Relationships between Ephemer and Homura [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))]
- BB (Fate/extra ccc) (Tsofph Season 12(Chapter2 CCC world))[BB: I have never heard of such a miracle. And that’s why, this life is for you...Gilgamesh: I hear and will grant your wish]
- Poara (Pearl Steven Universe) (Tsofph Season 8(Story of Daily Life)
- Intro(Link): Gilgamesh's dream and his hope. How valuable Punch is, how important Sonic is and why Sonic is important to both Punch and Gilgamesh.( Tsofph Season 11)/ hint spoilers / Hint original Punch with 3 personalities/ #Sonic's trusting
- Zhuge Liang [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1Secret Truth of the Past(Gilgamesh’s Journal))][Thank you for you to exist, King of Uruk. Also your family...Punch and Sonic right?]
- Relationships between Amy Rose and Punch(Tsofph Season 8 (Story of Daily Life) )
- Relationships between Danny, Homura, Phantom and King Gilgamesh shortly(Tsofph Season 11)[ You know, if I had an ounce of humanity left in me, this would be a very touching little reunion. But of course, I surrendered my human half a long time ago.]/(character analysis)
- Relationships between Peter and Grandmother Willow(Disney) (Tsofph Season 10(Chapter3 The End World))[ All around you are spirits, child. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you. ]
- Helen Keller(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))[What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.]
- Chara AU(Storyshift AU) (Tsofph Season 10(Chapter1 Vanish World))[ Sonic: There was an android that could live like humans, animals, trees, and plankton. His name is Enkidu. ]
- Luz Noceda [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))][King Lelouch, Sis Kikyo, Edward and Uncle Scrooge. They didn't ___ in vain. As to me too, this is not meaningless. If Punch was very important to you, keep her safe for me, Danny....Homura....]
- Viridi (Kid Icarus: Uprising) [Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World)][You never give up hope. Because of that, you become hope itself. I won't give up on who I used to be too.]
- Jet the Hawk (Tsofph Season 6) [Sometimes killing is the only way to save them. You already had someone you wished to protect, right Shadow?] Drafts 2024
- Relationships between Watanuki, Sakura and Shadow(Season 6 Path of the Shadow light and Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement))[Watanuki: Mr Shadow! You're my senpai! Please teach me how to be cool like you! Sakura & Chester:(Watanuki and Syaoran are totally the same) Shadow: Uhhhh......Sonic little help. Sonic: Uhhhhh...I'll need a minute to adjust here.] Hint Shadow
- Anneliese and Erika[Tsofph Season 5][Erika: You're just like me. There's somewhere else we'd rather be. Somewhere that's ours, somewhere that dreams come true. Danny: No, your twins are the same as us who want to be free and never run away from responsibility. Syaoran: What did you mean "twin" include me too? ]
- Nikola Tesla inventions and The Tragic Story of Nikola Tesla (Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))[Punch: He was again well ahead of his time but financial backers did not have enough faith in his project they pulled out, instead this left Tesla in financial ruin he had no choice but to abandon his dream project. Peter: Edison didn't know about this. He is only interested in making things that people in the past used to do make it come true. Therefore, the person behind these two fightings is.... Pierre: It is the society that has desires and selfishness.]
- Princess Zelda version Ocarina of Time (Tsofph Season 2)[ We will remember you as Link, the Hero of Time. Now, go home, Peter. Regain your lost time, home... Where you are supposed to be...the way you are supposed to be...]
- Zelos Wilder (Tsofph Season 4)[This is a symbol of my trust. Hang on to it for me, okay? I don’t have the right to ask for your forgiveness, but I still want you to forgive me.]
- Hokuto Sumeragi (Tsofph Season 1) [Sakura...thinks that you're special. That's why I trust your love. Sometimes, there is a definite crime that can't be made up. There's no one who can't love someone. Like my brother...and Sei-chan...]
- Idomu yudaiji (Tsofph Season 3)[Leon...go with them before you forget your smile. Your smile proves your happiness and that you are still you.]
- Alina Gray(Magia record ) [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))][You know of all the annoyed people I met, you're the most amazing people I ever met in my Life, Punch. You and I think similarly about the world and the talent of art. But why your rage for this world became saving the world? That was fascinating! ]
- Thaddius or Makoto Yuki and Aigis(Tsofph Season 10(Chapter1 Vanish World))[Aigis:The final card is The World, which represents the individual's full awareness and place in the world. Core!Frisk: The digital Universe/The World arcana is arcana with the same number and meaning, just from a different deck. Both signify the end of the journey and reaching the enlightenment for the Fool. ]
- Morgana (BBC Merlin)(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1Secret Truth of the Past)[Pit. You're lucky to find your purpose in your life. I wish I had that to be my own self without revenge. I am so jealous. Why does my family need to hate even magic?! Merlin, why you chose Arthur?! Why was Arthur born into the Pendragon family?! Why this world is so cruel?!]
- Eda Reed or Edalyn Clawthorne [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)][We are "chosen" to be magicians, or as they call the witch, because of Reed's family. But if we all waited around for a prophecy, we'd too late to save them. And that's why we need to choose ourselves. We save creatures that were lost in the darkness as we can even one day they find us and kill us.]
- Manic the Hedgehog(Sonic underground)[Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement)][I knew that was Sonic's curse fault, but Alice, sis and I wanted to save both him and Exeller. Indeed, Sonic wasn't my real brother but us family need to stick together as mother and uncle chuck told us.]
- Aesop's Fables[Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1Secret Truth of the Past(Gilgamesh’s Journal))][Punch: There was a man who tell the story of animals or should I say the original "old Alien". Gilgamesh: These stories are recorded in the past before the world was only free and speaking humans.]
- Preface: Cless Albane (Tsofph Season 1)[Syaoran. You're also special to me. That's why as Chester's best friend, please don't hurt yourself. Chester will hurt a lot because he did very much care about you.]
- Fake Cerberus [Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World)][Punch. You're not alone now. You had us. As Lloyd told me...I Luz told me once...weirdos have to stick together.]
- Special: A little of Punch Whalen's story, Punch Whalen's relationship and the meaning of “Once Upon A December”( Tsofph Season 11)[This reality is cruel but I still love this reality. Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect the hope to the very end. Even if this is a mistake, even though I lost myself, even I lost my way into nothingness, I never had a regret from the beginning I was born.] /(Hint guide)
- Sally Acorn (Tsofph Season 6)[Do you remember why I said I don't care what happens to the world? Because you did tell me "If you don't start running, nothing will begin". That's why I don't want this to end even though I knew that because of you, you destroyed my family. But I want both you and Miss Velvet to be happy together because I love both of you.]
- Lucas (Tsofph Season 7) [Why do both Earthia and King Gilgamesh want to stop me....I just want to save my people and the universe where everyone can be at peace...what am I doing wrong...?]
- Emiya Archer [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))][Danny: I know that the "Hero of Justice" will be betrayed by those around you and die in vain the same way. But "Danny" never look back on what he chose to be a hero or half-ghost, even though he knew that everyone in Amity Park will hate him. I hate my half-human but I never betrayed the path that I walk with him.The same reason why I don't want Sonic to vanish from the world. If you dare to near King of Heroes again, I won't have any mercy next time. Emiya: Believe the path that you walk even if that's the hell you walking. Heh.... ]
- Pierre Curie(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))[Pierre: We can't change the future. Even if someday they can make a machine that can travel time, It still hasn't worked for humans to improve travel time. Punch: I'm sorry, but we cannot intrude on other people's lives. Even though I wanted to help Miss Maria as much as I could. Pierre: But there is still hope, right? Even if you said you hate humans you still want to save the world. Punch: Yes. Pierre: Then I don't have to worry about anything anymore. I trust you because I believe in you, little one.]
- Uzziah of Judah(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past)) and (Tsofph Season 8(Story of Daily Life) spoilers)[ Uzziah: The only way to save humans now is only Jerusalem. Mine alone can't change them but the future can. Skinner: So you ready to face the truth? Punch and Danny: We are.]
- Nicole the Holo-Lynx(Tsofph Season 2)[Peter: I want to meet with Punch again.That's all I want during traveling. So tell me about the real world. Nicole: We are a part of the computer of this world, the memory of this world. The world you're living in now is called "dimension world". If the real world was destroyed, so these dimension worlds too.Dios Bandi and Meltia Bandi are also part of the dimension world as well but they're still the same Dio and Mel you knew. Chester: So if those two disappear also Dio and Mel.]
- Ashes of Dreams:(Source Lyrics and Example: song) Spoiler from Tsofph Season 11 Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World) Ending[Gilgamesh: Enkidu...thank you for giving life to me...but in the end...I lost everything like in the Fake world...I lost again and I will lose everything again even my kingdom. But I don't want to lose who I am....if I lose, then who will remember you, my friend.]
- The field of flowers (Tsofph story )[Danny: Syaoran and Peter began their adventure with a field of flowers. Those flowers were the first time I went on an adventure with you, Homura.] Draft
- The Sea of Stars (Tsofph story )[Punch: Me. Sonic and Mr Gilgamesh. We love the ocean because it makes us remember the beginning of memories. Everything started with water and the echo of a voice.]
- The field of flowers part 2 (Tsofph story )[Sonic: This place was the first time when my brother gave my name "Sonic the Hedgehog". Syaoran: And this is the place that used to be a garden in ancient times that Sakura and I want to protect and keep the secret from people outside. ]
- The ancient purification or ancient purification reservoir ground (Tsofph story )[Peter: The place where Syaoran first met Sakura and where Punch met Gil for the first time. You could say this is "Lake of Avalon". This place is also precious to Merlin too. Who would have thought this Neverland was the original name Camelot once? ]
- Yuna (Tsofph Season 3)[The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded..... Never forget them.]
- Maxwell(Tales of Xillia)(Tsofph Season 3 and Season 10(Chapter3 The End World))[Maxwell: A long time ago I did ask young man that humans were worthy to exist. So he finally found out, didn't he? Sonic: I still believe that humans can coexist with lives even though humans are toxic. Syaoran too....]
- Desiree (Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))[Homura: If we can't help her this time, she will end up like Erazor Djinn. This is also a sad fate for Genie. Danny: Then if I never met Punch, I wonder what would turn out.]
- Shahra (Tsofph Season 5)[Syaoran: Shahra, are you a dragon's bloodline? Shahra: Not exactly. Once I have known as Genie of the Ring. I am a part of the lamp and the blood of the dragon. I was reborn thanks to Legendary Blue Hedgehog. Syaoran:So then, is he the King Gilgamesh that Genie mention it? Shahra: No, he's not. Erazor Djinn also thought he is King Gilgamesh too. But I wonder why the epic of King Gilgamesh was called the Legendary Blue Hedgehog anyway....]
- Peter Pan (Tsofph Season 2)[Peter: I want to meet with Punch again. The music box was the only hint that I can find Punch. Chester: That's why you went to Yuko's shop when I lost memories.]
- Arche Klein (Tsofph Season 4)[I made a decision long ago. There will be more people that I will hurt and more thing that I will take away. And my half-elf was my price that what I have done in the past to save you. Punch really is her....that time that we took care of her in Totis Village.]
- Laphicet Crowe and the destruction of the Age of Babylon (Tsofph Season 7)[Sonic:I remember now...the one who took me here....the one who gave me my name....the one who saved me from despair.....the one who gave me super form....that voice...the only my family always be by my side all have been through so much for protecting me...saving's you isn't it....Punch.... ] I can't believe "Vandalize my heart" also connect to this.” Said you'd keep me safe, now you're tearin' me down. Am I laid to waste now that you're not around? ”’何もなくなってから気づいた. はじめから君はいなかった’’ すべて失っても君はまだ そこにいると信じたかった ’ Draft/ hint Sonic’s past
- Arthur Pendragon and the destruction of the Age of Camelot (Tsofph Season 10(Chapter3 The End World))[Peter: Even I lost my human side. I lost my family, my world and my kingdom. I want to protect you Syaoran. No matter what happens because you're also my children and my family. That's why I won't lose you even if your existence will hurt me.] /(Hint guide)
- First, meet Homura(Tsofph Season 12(Chapter1 What if))[Danny:Are you okay? Homura: Thanks.....and who....? _____ the fruit : Call me Tsubasa] Draft
- Relationships between Peter and Danny [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))][Peter: Even Punch will turn against us one day, I'll fight until the end. I have no wish but I want to protect others like always, like a hero. And I won't betray her. Danny: I see. That is understandable. Then I shall swear again. I will be your sword for as long as you are worthy. As long as you remain yourself, I will never betray your trust.] Connect with song: If you leave
- Intro(Link): Relationships between Peter and Syaoran [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))][Syaoran: Peter-san. Punch betrayed us but I never got mad at her. Not because Sonic told me or because he looks like her. Because I believe she's still her. She's doing this for us. She burdens herself.] Connect with song: His war, my war
- Eggman's goal in his life that's keeping himself not falling to death(Tsofph Season 6)[Syaoran: You are not someone to hold back, you are not someone to kill someone, and you are not someone to be trusted. But what you're doing right try to kill yourself. Why...? Eggman: I see. I think I know. I can entrust you to take care of Sonic. You always see the good in people like a little hedgehog. If not? Then explain why you know what am I going to do. Shadow: He and Tails are similar. That's what I see. Eggman: Not only this reason. You must be the one that King mention it. ]
- Healing Chester's heartache (Tsofph Season 1 and (Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement))[Sonic: As I know Chester is the most heartbroken in the group from now. I don't know how much Syaoran, Sakura and Arche can do. There was another reason that made him feel worst because he couldn't protect both Punch and Ami. Even so, I can't blame him for what he had done to Punch's life.] Hint C!Syaoran
- Syaoran vs Syaoran and painful Relationships(Tsofph story )[Chester: You know...I don't want this and I never want this at all! That's it's not me!! I really want to be a part of the family with him! Shadow: I understand what you're trying to say. I also didn't want to hurt him either but still...]
- Mithos Yggdrasill and ending(Tsofph Season 4)[Misaki: The strong will that isn't disheartened no matter how hurt. Lloyd: How can we go on a quest to regenerate the world if we can't even save the people standing right in front of us?! Sora: We don't need a weapon. Our friends are our power! Mithos: You are a victim of this world's bullying. Why would you say that I did something wrong? Aren't we alike, Syaoran?]
- The hint of "Punch" in Shade the Echidna's words(Tsofph Season 6)[Lailah: A constant stream of agonizing decisions. A lonely battle, the likes of which you can scarcely imagine. Shade: You think you can take this hero's path? Sonic: I don’t question it. I just do it.][Punch: Why did you make that foolish decision, Sonic?! You know your life will never be the same again. Sonic: No matter whether my memories do not come back or not. I will always be me.]
- Coco Bandicoot(Tsofph Season 5)[Coco: Being an annoying sibling can be able to save the world? Peter: Of course, even I am boastful and carefree; self-centred and oblivious; forgetful and fearless. I can save the world on my style way. Why did you think to defeat Cortex need to be perfect and genius anyway?]
- Relationships between Shadow and Amy(Tsofph Season 6)[Amy: No matter what happens, we will go together! C'mon! Let's save Sonic together! Don't let this happen ever again! Shadow:'re right, Amy! Let's save our family together!][ Sonic Twitter Takeover ]
- Ralph and Vanellope(Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World (Find the real home))[ I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me.]
- Relationships between Sakura and Arche(Tsofph story)[We both share our love with them. But we must also share our sins with them. But still, we have to live with them. We both Syaoran and Chester, need to protect them.]
- Magilou and Eggman's past (Tsofph Season 6)[Grimoirth: Magillanica and Ivo were always been so distant. Their family thought their genius talent was creepy, and their family abandoned them while they were still just infants. Sonic: Eggman lost or separate Magilou because of that event day.....I knew how much the name "Eggman" I gave to him meant so much to him... ]
- Kurogane and Fai(Tsofph story)[Fai: Syaoran-kun. Sonic-kun. This is something you cannot do anything about, no matter how worried you are. So why don't we stop thinking about it and put aside for now? No matter how hard you try, you only have two hands to achieve things. A pair of hands is incapable of rewriting history. It's very important to recognize those things that cannot be done. Kurogane: That's different from running away. So? What are you going to do next, kids?]
- Terra(Teen Titans)(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))[Sonic: Never give up no matter what! Don't lose hope to fall into the trap!! Terra: Say long will it take me to deal with my sin and still get cursed like this...I've tried.]
- Saria(ocarina of time)(Tsofph Season 10(Chapter3 The End World) )[ Saria:Peter tried so hard to save someone's life but in the end, he couldn't he still felt guilty that he couldn't save the Great Deku Tree from Ganondorf's curse. As Peter's best friend...please be by his side okay? He really loves you want you to have this Fairy Ocarina......please take real good care of it. Punch:This is a memento from Saria......Thank you Saria, I will never forget how good a friend you were once.]
- Knuckles and Rouge’s friendship with____ [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1Secret Truth of the Past(Gilgamesh’s Journal))][Gigamesh: You know what? You are the dumba**s and stupid dork I ever met! How about a challenge huh? We will settle this once and for all! Knuckles: No one calls me stupid!! But why do I feel like I talk to Sonic right now?]
- Cream the Rabbit(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path) )[Cream: Blaze and I agree! Blaze is my friend, and Amy's my friend!....And Miss Punch too! Punch: Welcome to boo-boo buddies club, Cream!! Pit: Oh my god oh my god...I am so scared that I will lose her in this club...]
- Mickey the three musketeers [Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1Secret Truth of the Past(Gilgamesh’s Journal))][Mickey: No, King Gilgamesh. That's how it feels to say goodbye. Since meeting you here in the dimension world, I've come to remember a lot of things. Things about the first time I left home to go on an adventure. About the first time I made friends, long ago... This all brought back so many memories. We will tell everything that happened here to Sora, Riku and Kairi. That way, we can all remember this adventure, together. Memories link hearts to each other. They link us to each other So... we'll be friends forever. Gilgamesh: Friends can help us to remember...]
- Humbaba's Regret and for Punch(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))[Gilgamesh: I do anything for Punch to exist in this world so even we need to defeat Humbaba..I'm actually scared...I didn't want to lose Humbaba..Enkidu: That's why I think it wasn't an order from the gods. And I don’t think it was for the sake of the people of Uruk either.][Enkidu: Okay, I will be by your side when Punch group is gone. I’m a tool. Something you don’t need pass judgment for. I can stay at your side until the end of the world. Gilgamesh: Ridiculous....You lived with me, spoke with me, fought with me. That’s not a person, nor a tool. That’s called a friend, Enkidu. Enkidu: We really are friends... Gilgamesh: You really are important...Enkidu....also Kujaku too...I don't want to lose him too like what happened to Humbaba...Enkidu: Gil...... ]Example scene
- Arthur Pendragon (Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))[ Arthur: I knew that everyone betrays me even this world....I am nothing but a tool for them to use me...Peter: Stop talking!! I will help you! Even you're my replacement! Arthur: Sometimes I think I know you, Peter. Other times....]
- Magic is everywhere (Spoiler from Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)) Hint [Punch: Thanks to the god of nothingness. Prove enough that this god still exists.]
- Neo and Toph(Tsofph story)[Neo: Try to stay calm as part of it. Toph: You did it well. Trying to unite energy around you both outside and inside. Peter: This is meditate....? Punch: That’s right. Meditation is part of Martial Arts.] #hint: The ability to react quickly to invisible attacks from both sides, Draft: 10 Deadly Martial Arts of the Ancient World
- Vaten Hörmulegt: Fire element(Tsofph season 1 and Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement))
- Vaten Hörmulegt: Chester’s curse (Tsofph season 1 and Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement))
- Vaten Hörmulegt: Water element (Tsofph season 3 and Tsofph season 4)
- Vaten Hörmulegt: Sakura’s curse(Tsubasa chronicle and Tsofph season 4 )
- Vaten Hörmulegt: Wind element(Tsofph season 7)
- I was like hurt my brother's feelings if I was happy. (Tsofph season 7)
- Script: Vaten Hörmulegt: Sonic’s curse (Tsofph season 7 and Tsofph season 10(Chapter1 Vanish World))
- Vaten Hörmulegt: Earth element(Tsofph Season 11 story)
- Dark Gilgamesh reborn(Spoilers #Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle) )
- Script: Vaten Hörmulegt: Gilgamesh’s curse(Tsofph Season 11 story)
- Magic is everywhere: Nature heart Draft (Tsofph Season 11 story)
- #Everything has a trade-off. not everything you hope is always free even desire. “Even wish itself”
- Robin(Teen titans)[Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect))][Robin: If I have to give you my advice, go and spend time with your friend more than the hero of justice.Danny: Robin? Robin: As I chose Robin's role, I just wanted to feel accepted, to be a real hero.]
- Sasha Blouse[Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World)][Peter: Why is Sasha so obsessed with food? Punch: Possibly due to her younger years of struggling to hunt and find food. Sasha: Not really......ha ha.... Jean: Don't lie to them Potato brat!! Connie: Sasha is one person who should not become a Titan, she would eat everyone up. Sasha: HEY! What’s that mean?! Punch&Peter: (Seem that way)]
- Miles( Nine )Prower [Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World)][Nine: What did you think would happen to me when you brought your world and your friends back? will be all alone forever...are you sure you want to destroy this world?....what about everyone....what about me? Punch: I’m sorry Nine.But for the sake of the universe. I need to destroy this world. This fake world.... Nine: So your kindness and this friendship you give to me it's all a lie? Punch: Yes......I just using you like with my brother Sonic. Envy: You still say it, I never let me down at all.]
- Saoirse (Song of the Sea)[Tsofph Season 10(Chapter3 The End World)][Punch: Saoirse is a selkie who's meant to save everyone. She is mute and it's because a selkie needs its coat to speak. Pit: It's okay for me to save everyone....I mean....Even I am the original Aithusa? Punch: “Heartbreak and Forgiveness“ Saoirse said to me with that words.]
- Aerith Gainsborough[Tsofph Season 3][Aerith: This isn't about me thought, it's about saving this whole world and you too. If one day you must die to protect someone, use this as my gift. Syaoran: “Protect the one you care about the most even if the one you care about will take your life.”]
- Zack Fair [Tsofph Season 10(Chapter3 The End World)][Zack: Go on, Peter. Now it’s your turn to look after someone special. Go and create your perfect world.]
- Catherine Sabathra (Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))[Catherine: I already heard from Derora, Punch. I like people like you who are brave and strong. Gilgamesh: I don't mind playing the villain role for a while. ]
My picture collection:
- Picture New(Happy New Year!)
- Picture new part 2 [Punch story's request(Romance)]
- Picture new part 3[I won’t forget.(Request )] Note: Spoiler Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World) Ending
- #Punch: I won't forget! Even if I lose you guys again I'll sure get everyone back! (Tsofph Concept )
- Punch: I will protect you no matter what happens PUNCH. Even if the world is against you, I'll protect you, Mr Gilgamesh… (Tsofph Concept( Tsofph Spoilers))and hand animation(next year)
- Punch first kill by her own free will (Tsofph season 7) Draft
- Peter: PUNCH.....I won’t let you go, as long as I live.(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)) Draft
- Punch's free from her hate of this world that lives inside her heart.(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)) Draft
- Maru and Moro concept diary 1(Tsofph Concept )
- Novel conversation 1 (Tsofph Concept )
- Maru and Moro concept diary 2(Tsofph Concept )
- Novel conversation 2 (Tsofph Concept )[Danny: I own a passion, my courage, my desire, my wish and my feelings are still human! I am still me! ]
- Maru and Moro concept diary 3(Tsofph Concept )
- Tsubasa season 11 indeed, the traces, of the dream-like days( #hand drawing animation ) Hint guide
- Gilgamesh: Thank you for everything and goodbye.( Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle) Concept )
- Punch: Thank you for everything and goodbye.(Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement) Concept)
- Gilgamesh: I feel good and happy...this is what I always dream to live like this.( Tsofph Season 12(Chapter2 CCC world)Concept )
- Novel conversation 3 (Tsofph Concept)/hint loving of water, hint loving Children
- Maru and Moro concept diary 4(Tsofph Concept )[Before we were just friends, after we're more than friends]
- Novel conversation 4 (Tsofph Concept )[Sonic: Punch you shouldn't throw your kindness away! This is...this is wrong! Punch: Kind you did say I am kind right? Sonic:'re weak but also kind at the same time. Punch: Sonic...I side with darkness and take my revenge path. Sonic:.........I see....Punch: This doesn't surprise you, Sonic? Sonic: Not at all. I knew that was the only choice you could make. Punch: So you see Sonic. I am not a kind person from the beginning...................I will stand over you all. That’s why I live, to slay everyone who stand in my way...So're standing in my way! Sonic: I know. I'm ready. To fight you, Punch. Not because I save you but to save myself as well. I'm not a kind person either.]
- Maru and Moro concept diary 5(Tsofph Concept )[Danny: You’re looking cool as usual, Punch. Punch: Right now it’s fine, but it’ll get tough soon.] [Peter: You’re looking cool as usual, “Punch”. Gilgamesh: I see. I can't hide anything from you, can I? Right now it’s fine, but it’ll get tough soon.]
- Novel conversation 5 (Tsofph Concept ) [Sonic: I wonder what Syaoran'd think if he finds out that there is another "me"......”brothers” inside me.] [Punch: I wonder what he'd think if he finds out that there is another "Punch" inside me.] Drafts
- Finding the North Star (Tsofph Concept) Hint: The emptiness’ heart
- April Fools day 2023: Punch's so mean and unreasonable for real(If using words that affect the mind, I apologize here.)
- April Fools day 2024: Watanuki's loser(If using words that affect the mind, I apologize here.)
- Neil’s moron(concept idea) [Neil, Ant, Dec, Jaq and Gus: Behold the bestest takeaway to the moon concert! Eva, Hi'beruu, Skinner and Derora: My nightmare came true. Freya, Merlin, Punch, Peter and Gilgamesh: Are you sure it's okay to do on the another moon? ]
- Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained 1(Tsofph Concept )
- Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained 2(Tsofph Concept ) Bonus hint from Gilgamesh's dream and his hope. How valuable Punch is, how important Sonic is and why Sonic is important to both Punch and Gilgamesh.( Tsofph Season 11)
- Link for reading this: Sonic VS Punch in Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement) (Tsofph Concept ) Continue in=>Punch: Why?! Could you please let me know why you're trying to hold me?! It's so painful to be near you! Because you were hurting me because of our existence. Both of us shouldn't be born in this cruel world. Because of you...I became so unstable and crazy. That's why the right thing for this world to be protected...I must kill brother........
- Sonic Vs Ḫuwawa (Tsofph Season 7)
- Danny: Thank you, you two...thank you for accepting me to have the right to exist. I feel so much happier to have met you, too.(Tsofph season 9(final judgement))
- VS Fei Wang Reed and New journey(Tsofph Season 1 Ending)[The Restart of Time, Cut off by time, Syaoran's group and Cless's group have arrived in Fei-Wang Reed's dimension to get both Chester and Sakura back and finish this once and for all.]
- VS Ganondorf(Tsofph Season 2) [Ganondorf: Extraordinary. You stand as a paragon of your kind, human. You fight like no man or demon I have ever known. However, this is not the end. My hate… never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again! Darkness will prevail and the light expire. The end of the world will come when I rise again! Peter: This is what you meant that's not the end, right, Zelda?]
- Vs Artorius Collbrande (Tsofph Season 6)[Sonic: Don’t despiar! No matter what happen!! Velvet:......!! Artorius: Who would thought you're growing to be so strong? Sonic:It’s what you told me once, very...very...long ago..... Artorius:.........! On that time....from the beginning.... Sonic: *Weakly smile* Artorius: Laphicet......the Arthur you knew already died long ago after I couldn't save you back was always there, in the back of my mind...if not because of you...none of this would ever happen...but again...because of you.....I met both you and Velvet...and Chaos....and Celica...even make wonderful memories..Sonic: I thought the same thing. So many times. If it had been us, then I know...I know you would have fought to save the world for us! *Start to Cry* Artorius: It's true. I want to save everyone including you too. Such....a pity.....but thank you....Laphicet..even this not the real name...Sonic: Umm......*Sob* Velvet: Let him in peace...Laphi.... Chester: Artorius Collbrande......a man of reason...Not only he can’t protect the one he loves.....he can’t even permit himself to be free.... Syaoran: And yet he overcomes those failures to rise again as the shepherd. This is the only way we can save him is to kill him...Sakura: It has been hard for blame himself for making him become this way even though this is not his fault...] Draft
- VS Ganondorf(Black Hole Version)Note: No longer be sealed by the triforce of power. (Tsofph Season 7 and Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past)))[Shadow and Amy: Sonic! You’re not alone!! Danny and Asha: Punch! You’re not alone! Merlin and Freya: King Gilgamesh! You’re not alone! Everyone in both Season 7 and 11: So I look out at the stars just like me! And throw caution to every warning sign! What we do in this moment is defining! And we can take it on if we ally! Punch: Ah-ah-ah! So I make this wish! To have something more for us than this!! Sonic & Gilgamesh: So I make this wish! Everyone: To have something more for us than this!! Syaoran & Danny & Peter: NOW!! Sonic & Punch & Gilgamesh: Now eat this Sucker!! Kujaku: Nooooo!! My minion!! Punch: It's over, Kujaku!]
- Vs King Magnifico, Lelouch's death and New journey(Tsofph Season 8(Story of Daily Life) Ending)[ King Magnifico: If this world is to be at peace, I must be the ruler of this world. Punch: If this world is going to be as peaceful as possible, I have to get rid of people like you. Even though this makes me a bad person. Well, I hate you. The world isn't fair, I know that. Actually, we are not different at all. But grand wishes that you tried to create are nothing more than a tool(Racist) that's why, I will kill you with my own hand. You are the one behind it all and if you can handle it. War, black magic and beliefs will disappear forever and will begin a new era.]
- Vs Nyx(Tsofph Season 10(Chapter3 The End World)) [Peter: I can't lose you Pit! I can't! Nyx: We're really much alike Pit. That's why I will give it a second chance to turn back the time. Punch: No, but what about you Nyx?! Even you're dangerous but you also-- Nyx: I am merely a harbinger of the Fall... Although, Nyx and myself are now one in the same.] Hint
- Peter Vs Danny (Tsofph Season 11)[Danny: From the beginning, I got ghost power....I knew I already drowned down to the abyss that couldn't return. I became Danny but Daniel's personality began to vanish and vanish until I don't know now who I am. I am not but a mere empty shell that can live a normal life. Peter: I was born into the wrong life....I cut my ego and my desire in the past. I am nothing but a corpse that is still alive in non-human form. It felt like a long dream. I know neither you nor I are worthy to be bestie Punch and protect her with our life. We had already been broken damage had already been done to us. Peter & Danny: But we have been blessed with a true friend, haven't we? Peter: (Enkidu, we did have a disagreement like this, right?) Danny: (What was the last time I heard from Homura? I lost her and met her again again and again...What did I curse?... What did I wish for?... What did I do to save Sonic?) ]
- Vs and Save Ereshkigal[Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)]
- Having fun with Terry(Disney•Pixar's 2020) one day.
- The promise if they think of me now and then,...If they don't forget me... Then our hearts will be one...[Tsofph Season 10(Chapter3 The End World)]
- Meet Pascal and Mecha-Asbel Reborn メカアスベル! (Tsofph Season 3 and Season 6)[Pascal: Say hello to Mecha-Asbel! Chester: That’s not Asbel........Syaoran: No it doesn’t. But what are you planning to do with that, exactly?..................Fourier: Who’s it supposed to be? Pascal: Asbel! But just like the last time, Chester doesn't look like Asbel even now, make both Velvet and Sonic disappointed. Fourier: Sonic? Do you also think the same way or agree on this? Sonic: Um! Pascal: It’s a secret weapon! Isn't it cool?! Fourier: If it’ a weapon, does it really have to look like someone?]
- Madellaine from The Hunchback of Notre Dame II(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past))[Madellaine: You've shown me that the world is full of miracles.]
- Syaoran knew his true identity(Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement))[Syaoran: I finally know...! I made the right decision to fight fate for Sakura! I am glad that you're the one who ended up with me....Thank you, Sonic. For everything. Sonic: Syaoran......? Is your wound still okay? Syaoran: No......I....I remembered it real name! Sonic:.......!! Syaoran: My real true ARTHUR PENDRAGON!!]
- Once met Clyde Bruckman and brought a happy ending(Tsofph Season 9(Final judgement))[Gilgamesh: Bruckman possessed the ability to tell when a person would die. He was also known to possess a variety of other psychic quirks, including very near-guessing lottery ticket numbers and seeing events from other psychic's minds Syaoran: He told me that if I continue on my journey and join Sonic, my life will be in danger even death.]
- Long Live (Taylor’s version)[Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.~Robert Breault.]
- At All Costs (From "Wish") [The stars are there to guide us, to inspire us, to remind us to believe in possibility. ~ Asha from Wish 2023 ]
- High Five!! (Tsofph Concept)
- Shahrazad or Shahrazade who wrote One Thousand and One Nights [Punch: Mrs Scheherazade was the one who protected the unfortunate myth or real history even the epic of Gilgamesh.] [Note:The book “One Thousand and One Nights” was not written by one person. It's a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales which were compiled over many centuries. Besides the title 'Arabian Nights' is quite problematic as the work also contains tales of Iranian, Indian, Turkish, Jewish and even Greek origin.]
- Punch the savage(Tsofph Concept)/ Hint [Punch: Shut up!! I had enough of your mischief, barbaric, barbarous, bloodthirsty, brutal, feral and untamed!! You mongrels should be ashamed of yourselves for behaving like this!! You should know better!! Well? Too glam to give a damn to say?!! Sonic: Oh boy...too scary..Peter: She lectures those monsters and they are scared of her....also they already run away...Gilgamesh: That's why I will run away from Punch if I can...geez...she was scary more than me...]
- Punch or Gilgamesh's feelings in Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World) linked to the music name: Requiem Der Morgenröte (Tsofph Concept )
- Punch and Peter' feelings in Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World) linked to the music name:High Sky(Tsofph Concept )
- Homura’s feelings for Danny in Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect)) linked to the music name: Hana no Uta The Flower's Song (Tsofph Concept )
- Syaoran decision after Sonic became part of his life in Tsofph Season 7 linked to the music name: Saga~This is my road (Tsofph Concept ) / hint Relationship between Syaoran and Sonic
- Gilgamesh Vs Infinite(Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World))[Infinite: You're that Sonic the hedgehog?! Gilgamesh: Humph. Let's get finished the business from the fake world, shall we? Payback time, Faker!] (Tsofph Concept )
- Danny and Homura VS Bête Noire (Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect)) (Tsofph Concept )
- Sonic and Peter VS Gilgamesh(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)) (Tsofph Concept ) Draft/ So basically Sonic and Gilgamesh's weakness is “darkness”(The Shadow) or the curse of death.(Not Include Punch)
- Pit VS Hades(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)) (Tsofph Concept )
- Punch and Syaoran VS Kujaku?(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)) (Tsofph Concept )
- Gilgamesh’s death(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)) (Tsofph Concept ) Drafts[I finally saved Punch. I can change the fate....there's still hope left....]
- ??????: My true wish...? That's right.....all I wanted was to carry all Tsubasa's protect Tsubasa......I can't believe long have I lost myself (Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)) (Tsofph Concept )