Why does Fearow sound like that
*sound of me slamming my finger in the car door*
“Pika pika!”
@saiyuri-dahlia / saiyuri-dahlia.tumblr.com
Why does Fearow sound like that
*sound of me slamming my finger in the car door*
“Pika pika!”
PKMN 136/151 : Flareon @SteveFilters on Instagram
no wind, no problem
Farfetch'd -- Miki Tanaka
You wanna open a new booster pack? Just stick your hand in good ol' Missingno. here and pull out five cards at random.
...We promise we've worked out the bugs this time.
Anyone wanna see what opening a booster pack looks like for me?
Welcome to the Missingno. Void that I see
spooky season !!
Run Psyduck run!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles!
PKMN 130/151 : Gyarados
@SteveFilters on Instagram
“Route Four”²
what kind of sorcery is this 💦💦
They’re dressed up for spooky season… but what’s that behind them?
bulbasaur silliness
Daily pokémon 6: Babysitter incineroar
Ganduck the Grey
SNAPDEX DAY 36 DEX ??? if gamefreak dropped this thing my entire childhood timeline would be altered. i would have pretended to be this thing playing at the pool
Trick-or-Treat Psyduck