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Antoine · He/Him · I Am Not A Cis Man · Bigender/Genderfluid · Queer · Autistic · Disabled · Historian · Writer · Translator · French Canadian · The French Revolution is my life · Officially considered "Too Old" to be on Tumblr · Yes I do actually have a PhD in history of the French Revolution. Do you like the serious stuff I sometimes manage to write in between a lot of shitposting? Well support me for more historical lessons on the French Revolution! And funny nonsense too.

On the Origins of the Terrorist

If you live anywhere in the Anglosphere, you might have learned about something that happened during the French Revolution as "the Reign of Terror".

95% of what you think you know about this is most likely false. The British propaganda built to distort and demonize the French Revolution was one of the most successful in history.

See, the British Empire and their successor the American Empire need you to believe that the French Revolution was a chaotic, repugnant bloodbath that accomplished nothing. It's actually explained in one chapter of the book by Domenico Losurdo (Liberalism: A Counter-History) I mentioned earlier:

Now let's go back a bit and talk about the Terror.

Bringing this back for obvious reasons.


Having strong principles consistently over a long period of time is interesting because you get to watch so many people in their young adulthood feign a surface level attachment to popular struggles for justice and discourse of that time and then betray the principles of those movements as soon as they can get a cushy job in the imperialist government or its private or non-profit accomplices.

They keep the discourse though, they’ll speak like someone concerned with the fate of the world’s poor and oppressed, but now as an accomplice to those crimes instead of as a student or community activist outsider like they were when they were younger. They justify their betrayal as consistent with the goals and aims of movements that have only existed to oppose the actions of the racist bourgeois state. But their path required them to constantly distance themselves from the risky reality of social change and the people involved in making it. They were only grifters off the revolutionary struggle, not its agents.

As a "jobless" historian of the French Revolution who's grown completely disillusioned with even the so-called "radical" (lol) parts of academia, I fully agree. I started studying it 19 years ago. The shit I've seen...

Change will never come from people who think knowledge is a 9 to 5 job.


How easy it is to fall into the traps of this dehumanising language. Framing food and water as "aid" instead of "life essentials" makes it sound as if blocking these items isn't blocking actual life. This obfuscation serves no one but the genocidal entity, the very entity that's creating these conditions in the first place.


I absolutely adore ugly baby animals, so I make a humble request for some ugly babies.


Well, I'm not sure what you will find ugly (yet cute), but here are some baby birds that not everyone would appreciate (but we will)...

Blue-footed Booby (Sula nebouxii), parent with chicks, family Sulidae, order Suliformes, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

photograph by Steve Murray

Australasian Swamphen (Porphyrio melanotus), mother with chick, family Rallidae, order Gruiformes, Western Australia

photograph by Matt Laughton

Philippine Frogmouth (Batrachostomus septimus), parents with chick, family Podargidae, order Podargiformes, Philippines

photograph by Mhark Gee

Scarlet-chested Parrot (Neophema splendida), male with chicks, family Psittaculidae, order Psittaciformes, Gluepot Bird Reserve, South Australia

photograph by Peter Waanders

Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), parent and chick, family Threskiornithidae, order Pelicaniformes, Southeastern U.S.

Great Frigatebird (Fregata minor), male with chick, family Fregatidae, order Suliformes, Galapagos

photograph by Andres Carrion

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