#praise oreyara – @sailtheplains on Tumblr

Interactive Life Simulator

@sailtheplains /

Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die.

[Gruul leaned in conspiratorially, putting a big, beefy arm around his shoulders. “Audrey told me that what I thought was happening when I met you lot, was not happening at all.” The warchief looked appropriately bewildered at this admission. “I thought she and Remy—but she told me no. Though, to be fair, she wasn’t sure what was goin on between you and Remy—“

Oh, for—this again. “Gruu-uul,” Greckles groaned, exasperated. “I just got here!”]


[Nazsha’s dark eyes were hard, serious and glittering as she went on, quietly, intensely: “You could be a leader one day that inspires others to fight for him. You won’t havta use fear like the chief does. You won’t have to rely on brutality. But you won’t get to do that here, you understand?”

Borky’s gaze flickered down. “If something happens to the chief, I might get killed by one of my brothers.”]


[The creature made an atrocious scream, but it only shambled forward about ten feet before it threw its long arm. It whipped out like a rope, stabbing deep into Task’s chest, sending his bow flipping away from him. The kobold yelped and was jerked off his feet, streaking towards the creature.“ HEY! That’s OUR baby dragon!” Borky roared and took off at a sprint.]


Nell again bowed her head respectfully. “They say that Task the Ranger flew a mighty dragon of the clockwork goddess Oreyara to defeat the evil dragonborn, Darkus. And, in the process, saved the Unexpectables and several citizens of Alivast from a cataclysmic ritual that would have rained down hellfire upon us all.”

Task looked down into his mug. “Huh,” he ruminated.

“Seriously, buddy,” Greckles told him, crossing his arms.

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