#alivast – @sailtheplains on Tumblr

Interactive Life Simulator

@sailtheplains /

Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die.

The great multi-planar hub, the City of Sigil, also the City of Secrets/Doors [Each slot had a narrow pamphlet with information about different restaurants and attractions in the city ('Annual Autumn Cheese Event! Multi-planar Cheese of Death Competition! Must Register by Midsummer!'), as well as guides on how to get along with the locals ('No Gods Allowed: How Worship of the Lady Can Lead to Your Skin Being Flayed Off'). There was also the very direct 'Get Along or Else', which had a shadowy image of a robed woman surrounded by swords, looming over a city street.]


[The creature made an atrocious scream, but it only shambled forward about ten feet before it threw its long arm. It whipped out like a rope, stabbing deep into Task’s chest, sending his bow flipping away from him. The kobold yelped and was jerked off his feet, streaking towards the creature.“ HEY! That’s OUR baby dragon!” Borky roared and took off at a sprint.]

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