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sugar sweet venom

@saccharinescorpion /


You know I did think that tweet that was like "have you never seen a movie before? you watch it and information is revealed" was a bit of an exaggeration but legit the three people behind me last night at 'The Boy and the Heron' not only were talking to each other for the ENTIRE runtime of the film, every SINGLE time anything interesting happened AT ALL they would instantly start being like "whos that? what's with the bird guy? isn't that the old lady from before? is that his grand-uncle? oh is her power fire? is that because she died in a fire? maybe she's not dead? oh is the world going to disappear? what's with the delivery room? why are they stacking blocks? is the tower from space?" and it took literally ALL of my fucking self-control to not turn around and ask them if they are aware of how movies work.


sono.N teased the third SHWD volume cover on Twitter in April, but now Amazon JP has it up in full (including obi). This final collected volume of sono.N's unique take on workplace WLW with added trauma and unholy mutants hits Japanese shelves on June 15th 2023.

There is still no English-language date for this volume from the US license holder, Seven Seas, but the 2nd volume is scheduled for release on October 17th 2023 (though this has changed several times and may still change again).

SHWD started out as an indie comic lovingly shared by sono.N via print and PIxiv before getting to begin again as an online serial with Ruelle Comics. From the get-go the series struggled to find a large audience because it doesn't fit neatly into existing yuri tropes but its focus on relationships didn't make it a hit with general SF audiences either.

However, for the people that found something they loved in the SHWD world it was a truly special little series.

For me, having come to the series from the original indie comics sono.N shared, the earnestness with which the author pursued telling the story and how carefully the characters were rendered... idk, I'll miss it. So all I can do now is to encourage you to support the official Japanese or English language releases of SHWD when you can and to let others know about this little gem if it resonated with you too.


“so yeah, we’ve all decided this mildly unpleasant female character is essentially an irredeemable villain”

“oh... well at least that means you’re going to write interesting analysis and create passionate art about her in the same way you do for all the actual irredeemable villains, right?”

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