I've spent hours at a time hair-pulling. It feels like a trance where all of my millions of thoughts flow in and I don't really pay to much attention to what I'm doing. I end always anxious, sometimes with disgust and anger and pure sadness. I cry over both the time lost and questioning why I did it again. I've been pull-free for weeks at a time and there's been times where I forget that I do it. Actually, every day it isn't really a thought in my mind but it's something that I resort back to doing. I hate to say it, but it kind of just happens. Like I'm stressed out about something or just need time to myself.
I read that it's most present in isolation. Makes sense. It's usually something that I do, feel regrets about, and then don't think about it until I do it again. The reason why I have finally paid enough attention to it to admit that there is something wrong about doing it is when a girl recently posted a time-lapse video of her transformation with head hair trichotillomania. Although I do not pull hair from the same area, it made me realized once again that there was a name to this thing. I've come across the term on tumblr before and never put much thought to it, either not wanting to admit that what I was doing was this serious or assuming that the term only applied to pulling head hair.
I don't know where I am right now with this. But I'm thinking of joining an online support group.
As a side note, I read that there are connections between this and OCD symptoms, but that it is also similar to a tic disorder.