“Hey, I just. need to record something, so that I can HAVE... aaaaa... voice?....... Tooooooooo... animate on.........”
Just wanna say that the MMD community is wildly talented and full of computer geniuses. Anyway here’s my first-ever shot at it.
@rubyrubyrubyredux / rubyrubyrubyredux.tumblr.com
“Hey, I just. need to record something, so that I can HAVE... aaaaa... voice?....... Tooooooooo... animate on.........”
Just wanna say that the MMD community is wildly talented and full of computer geniuses. Anyway here’s my first-ever shot at it.
A bunch of turkeys circling around a dead cat. In the background, a Michelin figurine fleeing the scene. You know, the normal shit
so… 🌟 chunks huh?
The pencils make me so uncomfortable
I hate this.
Fuck, I love animation.
So cool!
I have some complaints I would like to file.
I saw a couple posts about public likes on tumblr and I’m not sure if there’s a bizarre update that’s gonna hit me in a minute, but now might also be a good time to acknowledge that there’s always been a public likes option that’s easy to forget and I doubt that a lot of people who have it on would want it that way
Basically, tumblr.com/liked/by/USERNAME will get you access to the likes of any tumblr who has them set to public. To toggle whether or not you want likes public, you need to go to tumblr.com/settings/blog/YOURBLOGNAME, scroll down to “Likes”, and flip the switch accordingly. Shown below, I have mine off.
It’s up to you if you want people to be able to see the posts you like. I personally find it to be a little awkward, like inviting strangers into my attic, so I’m leaving them off. Just a reminder this feature exists though! It’s a bit of a slippery one.