Tiny dio being a brat
Orestes my beloved unstable individual
He looks like he's about to have a crisis, cry, commit murder, cry, vomit, cry again and faint all at the same time.
Could you draw cowboy Patrochilles?
Los norteños 🤠
could you draw Pothos, god of longing? Son of Aphrodite and brother of Eros
Here's something quick maybe i can draw tge other erotes in the future
He's so dramatic...
could you draw some patrochilles?
I thought it would be cute to draw them as children
Take that apple away, you don't know what's coming.
Following with the troyan side also did a helen
Pink and pastels are definitely not her colors ,but thought it would be funny to caracterize her that way due to aphrodite's influence .
Just imagine aphrodite playing dress with her like a barbie doll
But i don't think she minds look how happy she is 😊
The great prince of troy Hector and his lame ass brother
And my only motive to finally give them a design
The great prince of troy Hector and his lame ass brother
And my only motive to finally give them a design
I'm going to draw the illiad memes but i wanna give you a little bit of my sense of humor
Been having a lack of inspiration lately but here's something quick that made
I was inspired by @smokey07 fanfic series "just a man" that i wanted to draw diomedes with neoptolemos
Idk i find this non existen relacionship really funny the are like... daddy issues vs Extreme daddy issues
I just realize i never properly draw telemachus