Elias Mollineaux Bancroft (detail)
hey so i’m not ok
is anyone else scared
no one else has ever experienced this before
oh god
You have been graced by the presence of the ace toad
"Growing Around Grief"
Lois Tonkin, 1996
This is the most important thing I’ve learned about grieving. It never goes away. Time doesn’t make it smaller. Time, if you do the work, makes you bigger. Self expansion is key. Self expansion through creativity and passion and communication. My grief used to be all of me. Now it is a part of me. An important part, but just a part. I love this visualization so much.
Spooky season
if you don’t feel like getting up, try lying in bed and staring at your phone for an hour! it won’t help 👍
open image in new tab was there for me when no one else was
junkuma (Jun Kumaori)
Everyone's thinking "witch" but the owl was actually going as a cowboy.
Iirc the original images are from years ago, and everyone was worried that the owl was actually stuck to the toy - but apparently the townspeople had seen him put it down to hunt and such, and then go back to pick it up again. Which straight up triples my enjoyment of this story.
Oh, this is real real!
Wait, wait wait wait, that’s not Eric!
No, it’s not Eric! It’s your doom! Stop Squirming!
just remembered the bad ending in heavy rain where, if you failed to save his stupid gay son, the dad would be standing by the old grave of his first son and the fresh grave of his second son, and the pixie cut brunette would be like "aw well life goes on, let's just have a new baby boy :) i'll wait in the car" and he's like ok and shoots himself in the head. masterpiece
entirely reasonable reaction to encountering david cage writing for women
sun dried fucking tomatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!