Meet the Mona Lisa of the Prado, the earliest known copy of Da Vinci’s best portrait. Similarity in the undersketch of the painting indicates that this was very likely painted concurrently with the original Mona Lisa, by a student of Da Vinci.
There is much controversy in the art world over the question of whether or not to clean the fragile Mona Lisa, but her sister has been restored and some fairly odd later alterations removed to show the original vibrant colors and lighting. Some details, such as the sheerness of her shawl and the pattern on the neckline of her dress, have become utterly obscured in the original, but in the restored copy they’re perfectly clear.
It blows my mind a little bit to look at these two sisters side-by-side and imagine how much vivid detail could be hiding in the Mona Lisa under 500 years of rotten varnish.
Your response to a beautiful piece of artwork done by Leonardo Da Vinci himself is “SHES GOT EYEBROWS”. Alright. All intelligent life has been lost.
Yo Snooty McSnotwhine, the Mona Lisa’s vanished eyebrows have been the subject of debate and analysis in the art expert community for hundreds of years, long before your parents squirted water at each other from across the clown car and then honked their bicycle horns to indicate they really wanted to make a smug, insufferable little clown baby together.
this continues to be the best reply to a criticizing comment on this site
where's that picture that ruined my life
found it
You can literally make anything and anyone problematic if you try hard enough seriously give me people and things and I’ll make them all “problematic” right now.
I don’t even have to do this one because PETA did it first by insinuating domestication is inherently abusive.
The sky
Used to trick and mock anyone who asks “what’s up?” A bullying tactic.
Super Mario Bros.
Stereotypes Italians, enforces the narrative of women who need men to rescue them, and encourages violence against turtles.
John Mulaney
He was over on the bench and he SAW what they did to Tyler and he did NOTHING.
Making your pets fight repeatedly is animal abuse.
OP literally argued that dogs were problematic but go off I guess
This is a work of art and should be sent to everyone as soon as they sign up for Tumblr so they know what they’re walking into
Britney Spears on Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Quotes from the Everything Everywhere All At Once Directors’ commentary, part 1 of 2
Actual review
I didn't know bucket toothpaste was only a thing here!
WAIT! How do people in other countries put toothpaste on their toothbrushes??? You d-don't use your toothpaste spoon????
You keep your toothpaste in condiment tubes???
This whole thread is making me so sad 😔😔
For the americans out there, 1kg is about 2lbs. Rewriting this bost gives:
"To answer a lot of people's question: this package is [4lbs] there's also, [10lbs] and [20lbs] ones (which used to be sold in most stores, but you can find them only in specialized ones nowadays). There are some tiny ones, like 1lb! Those are the ones you buy to carry when you travel."
Croatians apparently take a pound of toothpast with them when they travel.
I now live in fear of the Croatians.
Kim Novak in Bell, Book and Candle (Richard Quine, 1958)
Anne Sexton - From Small Wire