if you are brown, this does not apply to you. this is ONLY for white people and light-skinned people of color
the fact that so many of you are turning alistair into something he’s not so you can use wokeness to hide your conscious and unconscious racism/colorism is so fucking obvious.
too many of you are using a headcanon created by darker-skinned fans desperate for more representation as an excuse to put your white fave on a pedestal.
if you want a “brown male elf that’s a woke bisexual king” so bad then put your energy into the one that actually canonically exists. you know, the one that you like to write off as a sexy fanservice/comic relief character so you can feel good about liking a light-skinned guy? what’s his name? zoodiker? zebra? oh right, zevran!
for fuck’s sake, you guys are actually fucking using a damn headcanon to pretend that dao is less racist than it is. so you can pretend that you’re less racist than you are.
1. “i love both equally!” then why do you support people who sideline zevran repeatedly
2. “i just dislike zevran’s character!” then why do you project most of his story onto a white guy
3. “i just think it’s neat” then why do you keep ignoring zevran
4. “what’s wrong with having two brown male elves?” nothing. the problem is that you guys keep hyping up alistair as this at the cost of zevran, who is canonically this
5. “but i’m just trying to fix what bioware did!” then stop fucking ignoring the shit bioware did so you can pretend dao is less racist than it fucking is!
just stop. stop prioritizing your guilt about your white fave over canon brown characters. it’s really not a good look lmao