Please do not send me asks for donations. If you want more information about why everything in this post applies:
To those seeing my blog:
My new URL is @robinprinceofchaos (it has changed it used to be @insanelycoolconnormurphey). Right now I'm in the good omens and Dr who fandom (with David Tennant making many appearances) :)
I do not condone Neil Gaiman or his actions. TERFS get lost.
im... im a minor. I see some of you have minors dni in your bio
idk what to tell you.
Proud protector of @not-a-gimmick-blog
Hello! My asks are now open, they can be used for the following:
Art suggestions
Art commissions ( I'm a terrible artist tho so yeah they're gonna be free)
Blog suggestions
TV and film suggestions
Media suggestions
Nice stuff
Just talkin
They can't be used for:
Being a horrible person
Being racist, ableist, homophobic,sexist etc
Nsfw anything
Underneath is my ever growing collection of userboxes