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@robinprinceofchaos /

something that is very autistic | he/him| crusts chaos sock twin| self proclaimed maggot idk man|

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To those seeing my blog:

My new URL is @robinprinceofchaos (it has changed it used to be @insanelycoolconnormurphey). Right now I'm in the good omens and Dr who fandom (with David Tennant making many appearances) :)

I do not condone Neil Gaiman or his actions. TERFS get lost.

im... im a minor. I see some of you have minors dni in your bio


idk what to tell you.


Proud protector of @not-a-gimmick-blog

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Underneath is my ever growing collection of userboxes


i will forever stand by the fact that if Dick has eldest daughter syndrome then Jason has irresponsible estranged aunt syndrome.

Dick, to Damian: you have to hold my hand when we cross the street.
Damian: Richard-
*meanwhile, two blocks away while Jason lets Tim do donuts on his motorcycle*
Jason, to Tim: yeah i can get us some weed. you know me and Roy used to take edibles and then take a bunch of paintball guns to an old abandoned railroad to role play as war veterans in the middle of a high-stakes battle, it’s so fucking fun i gotta teach you and Dami sometime, just don’t tell Dick or Bruce-
Tim: *starry eyed, listening with awe*

jason "that one unemployed friend on a tuesday" todd


Bruce Wayne & Kids™ on one of those YouTube celebrity interview channels


Interviewer: *hands Bruce one of those Most Googled Questions boards* We'll just start off with some miscellaneous questions for Bruce

Everyone: *nods/hums their agreement*

Bruce, peeling off the first sticker: Ok! First question, "Who is Bruce Wayne..? Dating!

Bruce: God question, so actual-

Bruce gets interrupted as all his children, sitting around him, give their own answers

Dick: Clark, obviously

Jason: Superman

Tim: Selina

Cass: Minhkhoa Khan

Stephanie: Superman

Damian: Mother

Duke: No one..?

Bruce: ...

Everyone: ...

Bruce: So as I was saying, Bruce Wayne is currently single

Bruce, exasperated: Thank you, Duke

The kids: *suspicious glaring at each other and Bruce*

Bruce: ...

Bruce: Hey so we need to redact that-

The final clip is filled with long beeps, you can mildly make out three voices, two saying "Superman" and a young voice going "mother"


Dick: whatcha doing, Damian?

Damian: redesigning the Robin suit

Dick: oh like Tim? Gonna be your own version of Robin?

Damian, confused: no, I’ll still be Robin, just with a different suit.

The rest of the batfam appearing out of nowhere: NO!

Damian: Why not?

Jason: no one touches the Robin suit and still calls themselves Robin

Tim: off limits, even for you. The most modification ever been allowed were pants

Damian: that makes no sense

Bruce: The Robin outfit is sacred

Jason: and also Dick’s crying in the corner

Bruce: that too


Both Jason’s and Tim have a severe case of middle child syndrome as a middle child here’s an accurate representation of what that looks like:

BRUCE: Tim please, we just couldn’t come.
TIM: yeah sure but you were with dick the whole time.
BRUCE: god you and Jason act the exact same way….
TIM: pardon me? It’s not my fault you pay more attention to the demon child and dick more than us.
BRUCE: I spent all of last weekend with both you and Jason. What do you MEAN?!
Dick: i don’t get it.
Jason: ?
Dick: when you were killing people in the Nightwing costume, everybody started hating Nightwing and trying to call the cops on me and stuff, but when YOU’RE killing as the Red Hood, everybody fucking loves you! what’s the difference?!
Jason: oh, you gotta kill in a lovable way.
Jason: blow a kiss to the security cameras, carry chocolate bars for the kids, recommend good bloodstain detergent to the parents, you know. make it fun. when i was Nightwing i just glared at everyone, there was no community aspect.
Dick: why wouldn’t you make it fun for ME?!?
Jason: dude when the real Nightwing started showing up they were throwing rocks at you. it was funny.
Jason: yeah but i expected the rocks, i’m good at dodging. did you see your fucking face when that woman threw her kids diaper at you? it’s my phone background now. Tim has it printed out and framed in his bedroom.
Dick: i hope the joker gets you again.

Baby Robin Dick, shaking Bruce awake at 3am: Bruce, I'm hungry


Bruce and baby Dick, now shaking Alfred awake: Alfred, we're hungry


i do adore the aus where Damian and Jason are brothers from the league and Damian came to Gotham before Jason returned as Red Hood, because it gives me the image of Damian travelling to Gotham and trying to integrate himself into the family only to spitefully call Jason in the middle of the night after a week or two

Jason: isn’t it 2am where you are? why are you calling me?
Damian, whispering furiously under his bed: another boy got here before me and i need you to kill him
Jason: huh?
Damian: some ‘Timothy Drake’ is TAKING MY PLACE-
Jason: the neighbour kid…?
Jason: …why do i have to do it?
Damian: because Pennyworth wouldn’t let me when i tried.
Jason: *deep sigh* i already told you, you can’t call me everytime you want somebody bumped off.
Damian: what about-
Jason: the time in france was a special circumstance because the guy was an ASS.
Damian: :(
Jason: NO.
Damian: father has a glass case with your old Robin costume and a plaque that says ‘a good soldier’.
Jason, instantly: i’ll be in Gotham by the end of the week.
Damian: :D
*at the Wayne’s for a BBQ*
Jon, pointing at Jason’s chest as he gets out of the pool: woah, how did you get THAT one?
Jason, looking down at his autopsy scar:
Jason: *makes eye contact with Clark behind Jon*
Jason: uh.
Jason: that happened because when I was a kid I refused to go to bed when my dad told me to.
Jon: *gasp*
Jason: yeah… I should have listened. if you stay up too late the… I dunno. the bedtime monster. yeah. if you don’t listen then the bedtime monster attacks you for not sleeping and you get one of these.
Jon, whispering: I had no idea…
Jon, solemnly: thank you for warning me.
Jason: anytime.
Damian, watching Clark slip Jason ten dollars from the other side of the pool: by god, my friend is an idiot.

Hey dickie

i wanted to say sorry

for calling you old yesterday, i got a bit mad and said it, i'm really sorry! i swear i didn't mean it!


Are you, really? -.-


Personally, I am not sorry.

I'm going back to Blüdhaven. Goodbye Damian.


Bye 😔💔

...... I am sorry, Richard, for calling you old. Please do not go back to Blüdhaven.

Are you really sorry?

.......... yes.......... why wouldn't I be serious.........

.... goodbye.

RICHARD. I AM SORRY. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE. o(TヘTo) more thing like that and I'm leaving.

This is extremely unfair. You tease me all the time, but I am not able to joke about your age? (ᓀ ᓀ)

When was the last time I did it? Besides I hate being called old.

I won't call you old anymore if I don't have to answer your question.

dami: i still do not get the point of doing this. what purpose does this serve?
cass, painting his nails black to match with her and tim: *noncommittal shrug*
dami: -tt-. this is pointless.
also dami: *maintains the integrity of his manicure with utmost care and respect, to the point of altering his training regimen as to not sustain even the smallest of chips in the polish*
cass: *proud smile*
dami: this proves nothing.

@the-littlest-wayne Have you been taking care of your nails?

They are still pristine, yes.


Daddy issues... son issues??

Jason: Can a parent have daddy issues?

Tim: Obviously. They-

Jason: No I mean can they have daddy issues for their child?

Tim: What the actual heck are you on about?

Jason: Because I SWEAR Bruce has daddy issues for Dick.

Tim: WHAT? WHAT?!! What the actual-

Jason: No, think about it. Someone with daddy issues has: Fear of abandonment, difficulty trusting a partner, feeling insecure in a relationship, being clingy or possessive, needing constant reassurance, being easily jealous or suspicious, and attracting abusive partners.

Tim: *panicking* Hold-

Jason: *on a roll* NO. Bruce literally stalks dick and gets mad and scared over him leaving, he doesn't trust his robins to meet his standards, he constantly trauma-dumps on Alfred about his and Dick’s relationship, and he’s super clingy and possessive when it comes to Dick—like, look at the Titans! He’s obsessed. He literally asks Dick if things are alright between them CONSTANTLY. Abusive partners? I don't mean to talk shit about Talia and Selina but they're literally villains.

Tim: *having a crisis*

Jason: Bruce Wayne- the first man to have daddy issues... in reverse.

Tim: *whimpering* Please stop talking.

Jason: ...But wait... all these things... doesn't Dick have some of them too?!

Tim: NO!

Jason: *speeding up* No, no.. HOLY SHIT, IT'S A CYCLE! Bruce is feeding into Dick's issues and Dick is feeding into Bruce's because Bruce is looking for validation from Dick and Dick is looking for validation in Bruce and they-

Tim: *frantically calling* KON, COME PICK ME UP. I'M SCARED.




Ghost Jason sees Dick hallucinate him.

Jason was floating around Dick's apartment, snooping around best he could without being able to interact with anything. He heard the door click open and turned around to see his older brother in the doorway.

Jason didn't bother with a greeting, Dick couldn't hear or see him. "Jason?" -or maybe he could? Dick's voice wobbled but that makes sense, he's been dead for over four months now.

"Dick? Can you see me?" Jason didn't know what he felt except for hope that maybe, just maybe someone he knows would be able to see him.

"leave me alone Jason, just go" what? Does Dick not want me around? The whole thing was deeply unsettling, Dick could see him apparently but refused to look anywhere except the ground. Dick sounded almost broken. "Stop saying stuff like that!"

Jason's gut kept sinking lower and lower. "I didn't say anything dickhead" Dick was crying, Dick was crying, Jason's never dealt with that before. Jason rushed forward to hug him, to shake him for answers, to do something. he went right through. Damn being a ghost.

"it wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault, I swear it wasn't my fault." Dick was wiping his tears and talking to pleading with him. Dick was looking the same direction he was before... but now Jason was behind him? It became crystal clear that no; Dick couldn't see him like he thought. "I'm sorry I never picked up the call, I'm sorry you're dead, I'm so sorry- everything was my fault"

Is he... Talking to a hallucination? No, this can't be happening. "C'mon, I'm over here, Wing"

"it should have been me instead" NO!

Jason's heart was thoroughly shattered. "He's not real! You shouldn't have died, you fucking Dickhead! Stop saying stuff like that!"

Dick didn't hear him, he cried himself to sleep on the kitchen floor.

Dick never heard him, yet Jason never stopped trying to scare away the other things that haunted him...

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