should I cut the sleeves off or keep them on?
"I'm an architectural historian who opines about housing" just say you hate poor people living near you and save us some time lmao
Sailor Moon (1992)
How did you give yourself an EAR INFECTION eating pussy
im just gonna screenshot from a text i sent my friends after the doctors visit
you can’t fucking do this to me
Achievement Unlocked:
A Noble Sacrifice
Never has there been a more righteous and honorable way to get an ear infection.
My bf found this in the “dog toys” section…
Dutch buff tiger joins the chat. My bf wanted it, he’s not a dog but he’s not not a dog, ya know.
Feeling surprisingly good this morning.
got deleted, but back now 🫣
Losin it
Fully acknowledging Carly Rae Jepsen is the queen of the retail playlist and well that’s because her music is perfect
I will never get over how weird it feels to have tragic and emotional chapters of your life where you just also still go to work, and the grocery store, and see funny videos online all while feeling such paralyzing fear and heartache
life just goes on no matter what
viado micoso