@rheebydeeby on Tumblr

we rly in for it now bitch


they them/ 26/ idfk multifandom hell lmao/ im pro ship fuck off

someone teach me how to draw bears


Like this

i am a gay man unfortunately. this is still very sweet

this technique will work regardless of sexuality, don’t worry


One of my dad's friends invited us over for dinner tonight, and when his wife found out I was a Star Trek fan she brought me downstairs to show off this:

Her: Kirk kisses all the other aliens, why not the Gorn?



2.12 Nightshifter Written by Ben Edlund Directed by Phil Sgriccia Original Air Date: January 25, 2007

It’s funny because it’s true


This post is so right, and also, as an addendum, besides the fact that digital literacy is a learned skill that (at least in the US) schools stopped funding because of the idea that "since kids have computers at home, they don't need to be taught how to use them," gen Z and Gen Alpha are growing up alongside technologies that developers are making increasingly opaque and hard to navigate, exactly because it serves companies better if people can't alter or curate their own experiences online.

So these poor kids are getting the double whammy of "haven't been taught how to use the technology" and "technology is getting worse and harder to use" at the same time. I've been in classrooms with highschool students who are by all accounts very bright! But they have no concept of online safety, checking sources, doing real research. A lot of kids Who Are Otherwise Good Students had to be walked through how to open any program besides a browser window. And this is just stuff I personally saw during my stint as a substitute instructor. It's really disheartening to see how badly they've been hung out to dry.


I did some research today for a post about Bucky and I found something very interesting.

You know how Bucky reportedly had a sister named Rebecca/Becky?

Well, unlike James, Rebecca was not a common or popular name in early 20th century America. I looked on a couple of lists and could not find it.

Except on one.

It was listed as a popular name... for Jewish Americans in the 2nd Decade of the 20th century!

Is this further evidence that the Barnes siblings are in fact, Jewish?

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