Wildrider aka Brake-Neck (Generation 2) | Transformers Combiner Wars | | Hasbro | 2016 |
“I wanna bust sumthin up!”
@revan-trevelyan / revan-trevelyan.tumblr.com
Wildrider aka Brake-Neck (Generation 2) | Transformers Combiner Wars | | Hasbro | 2016 |
“I wanna bust sumthin up!”
The 1994 Kings of the Road
“Menasor crush… in technicolor!”
🎶 Here’s the story, of a lucky team, of six violently homicidal robots. 🎶 🎶 While they may hate each other very much so, they still unite. 🎶
C'mon! You know the words!
Wildrider- Transformers (KO) with Reprolabels
Today’s glorious, albeit knock off, haul.
T-Bone and Car Crash | Causality | Fansproject | 2013 |
If it wasn't so expensive to complete the team, I'd probably still have these. I'm grateful Hasbro is making their own, affordable version of the Stunticons, despite and name/vehicle changes.
Devastator's plans have come to fruition; a lemonade stand. Inspired by the Kreon adventures over at the-starhorse.
Sandstorm, Brake-Neck, Kup, Brawn, and Rhinox Kre-O Transformers Micro Changers | Hasbro | 2014
Here are the final five Kreons from the fourth Transformers wave. Overall, I very much like this wave of characters. While still predominantly characters from the original line up, but there's been a good mix of other characters.
Sandstorm looks great. His face is reminiscent of his original toy, which I prefer to his animation model. His helicopter mode is well done and his robot mode makes use of all but one part, which I really like since I hate keeping track of loose pieces.
Brake-Neck, or Wildrider if you prefer, completes the Stunticon team, the rest of which came in the Menasor four-pack. He has the typical Micro Changer car mode and does a good job translating the original character into Kreon form.
Old-timer Kup is a mix of his Generations and original toys. His vehicle mode is more Earth-like while his robot mode is reminiscent of his animation model. He looks great in both modes, though his eyes probably should have been colored a lighter shade off blue.
Of these five, Brawn was the one I was looking forward to the most. His vehicle mode makes use of a number of pieces to complete his look. In robot mode, he has a friendly smile and a visor over his eyes, similar to his toy from the 80's. This is another case where Mirage's helmet does the job well.
Last up, from Beast Wars, is Rhinox. Like Cheetor before him, he features the bend-over transform. He has the same animal head as most of the beast-formers, but it's his robot mode printing that shines. Also, due to the simplicity of his transform, there are no spare parts in robot mode.
As of the 2nd or April 2014, Walgreens currently has Kreons on sale for $1.99 each. So, if you're interested in any of these and have that store near you, now is the time to shop.
I have the FansProject Causality Car Crash, T-Bone, Down Force, and Last Chance, all loose and complete. I’m asking $50 each or $160 for all 4. US shipping included. Send me an ask if interested.
Meanwhile, on Mt. Menasor, the Stunticons plan their next move.
Wildrider - Episode Specific
Here's the original picture I took for the Wildrider close-up. I didn't notice Sebastian's photobomb until I went in to crop. Sneaky, fat, ninja kitteh.