It's Henry's turn at lap time.
Henry gives his Papa kisses.
“Then, this hungry owl swooped down from a tree and I thought for sure…”
Henry and Indiana being bunnies 🐰
Scorponok bit off more than he could chew this Thursday afternoon.
Living room time with the rabbits lead to something neat today.
The inaugural living room bunny time starring Indiana and Henry.
We let the rabbits roam the hall this evening, with parental supervision. 😄
Rabbits eat lettuce and Indiana knows how to get atop the castle.
Chillin on a Saturday night.
“I like the part with the rabbit. There should be more rabbits in stories.” - Cole, Dragon Age Inquisition
The boys eating their lettuce after getting a clean pen.
Saturday evening lap time.
Indiana and Henry had lap time tonight.
In the top pic, from left to right are Indiana and Henry in their new home.
It is my pleasure to introduce you all to Indiana, the newest member of our family.