Peter; wearing Scott's glasses: How do I look?
Scott, squeezing his eyes shut: I have no idea.
Erik: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Peter without him noticing? Wanda: Hey, Peter, I bet you 5 bucks that you can’t swallow this penny. Peter: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser. Erik: …
Pietro: Can I wear your glasses?
Scott: [reaches towards his face] Sure, why not?
Scott: Hang on.
Pietro: Happy Father’s day, Sadneto.
Wanda: Pietro, It’s Dadneto. And it’s not even the 20th.
Pietro: I didn’t stutter.
Erik: It’s been a we-
Lorna: Oh g-d, it’s beginning to look like he’s Madneto.
cable: why’d you pick the name nathaniel?
scott: i didn’t. madelyne did
cable: aw did she think it was cute?
scott: no. i’d once told her a kid called nathan bullied me when i was small and she was feeling spiteful. also, mr sinister influenced her
cable: ...oh
Erik: Some days, I sit back and think to myself that I’ve raised a successful, intelligent young man
Erik: But then I wake up and that fantasy is shattered
Peter, with his head stuck in a fence: You didn’t raise me