Mom’s nuanced reaction/review of Captain America: Civil War
“Did they get an actor that looked like young Robert Downey Jr or was that effects?”
“Can you imagine being on your commute and seeing Captain America running past you?”
“Winter Soldier is much cuter than Captain America.”
“Black Panther is cuter than both of them.”
“That motorcycle thing? When he grabbed it and flipped? That was nice.”
“Is Spiderman Marvel? I thought he was something else.”
“I didn’t know Ant Man could do that! I guess he is relevant.”
“It was good. I liked the Star Wars and Manchurian candidate lines.”
civil war where everything is the same except team cap/team iron man are rivaling baseball teams!!! this was so fun to make like you guys don’t even KNOW, this was shamelessly inspired by sports animes
everyone gets along except steve and tony who take their rivalry too seriously
I hate overrated Civil War so much but nothing will ever get close to the supreme calling out of this scene
Okay, but this transition in Civil War always makes me cry.
Me, watching the ten seconds of Captain America: Civil War where Wanda destroys that building in Lagos and Maria Stark plays “Try to Remember” over the horror on repeat: