My Art summary of 2018 with animations from werble💕🌸
What a year. Full of inspiration, art blocks, a lot of work and changes. It was a hard year, but also a year of development and growth. I finished my bachelor in February and travelled to Japan a few weeks later, which was definitely one of the best adventures I ever had.
I got a seat for my master studies, not at my favorite place, but it’s still fine.
In summer, I saw Hamilton in London. HAMILTON, which also was a blessing and I never imagined to have the opportunity to experience this musical so early.
I also visited Ludwig the musical, Hunchback of Notre Dame and Anastasia. A real musical year!
As I said, the year was still very hard. Though I met a lot of fantastic, incredible kind people, I also lost track of a few during my journey. Family drama and personal conflicts always blocked me during the year.
There was suffering and crying and a lot of emotions, but nevertheless I could always stand up and begin again.
A lot of experiences changed my point of view on things. There was a real development of opinions and events I definitely don’t want to have again in my life. Things that depressed me then made me stronger now.
Also making art wasn‘t easy. On the same time it helped me a lot through the hard work of Uni and personal stuff.
There were many art blocks though and a long phase I didn’t know where to go with my art in the first place.
However, I had my first booth at Dokomi (that made me very concerned in the beginning) and surprisingly it was a success which still makes me so so happy.
I am so touched by all your support and lovely words. I cannot express how much that helped me in my process.
In the end, I want to thank all of you and I hope it doesn’t sound too cringy.
Thanks for keeping my world of art alive, thanks for my parents who always support me, thank you so much for every single friend. There’s still so much to do and I am so looking forward to 2019!
I am grateful to be here.