#republican hypocrisy – @republicansaredomesticterrorists on Tumblr

Republicans Are Domestic Terrorists


Exposing the Republican war on America. No original content.

That’s more than many presidents have used in their entire tenure.

There’s no fighting back in Congress, through the courts, or even protesting in the streets. There’s only one way and it involves “permantly” removing oligarchs and top Republicans from politics.


Republicans are calling the Muslim-American NewOrleans shooter a radical Jihadi terrorist. Curiously the white soldier that blew up the Cybertruck at Trump Hotel Vegas is not being called a terrorist. In fact Marjorie Taylor Greene is implying he is a patriot for trying to warn us about China and Qanon conspiracy theories about Area 51.


This package is filled with hatred and punishment for the trans community and other marginalized people. Mace’s proposal didn’t make the cut because she is a raving lunatic and a loose cannon that criticizes Republicans as much as Democrats. Like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mace stands little chance of authoring any legislation.

Johnson was sending her a deliberate message; we don’t trust you and you’re an embarrassment so sit down and shut up.

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