Ted Cruz leads the league in bribes from big energy.
republicansaredomesticterrorists reblogged
I can’t believe we have to fight this douchebag again.
“what it means now to be a Republican” is that you’re “driven by anger” and division.
“I think what they stand for is supporting culture war, rage, and one person, one personality, and that’s Donald Trump. Now, they’ll never admit it, but that’s the reality of it,” he said.”
republicansaredomesticterrorists reblogged
And Melanoma, Cancun Cruz, Rupert Murdoch…
Good start.
Peter Thiel as stated in the notes. Sebastian Gorka, Milo Yiannopolis, Dinesh D’Souza, Elaine Chao, Marjorie Traitor Greene (off planet)…
republicansaredomesticterrorists reblogged