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Republicans Are Domestic Terrorists


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August 20, 2019 5:14 PM

Republicans on Federal Election Commission block investigation

Democratic chairwoman says FBI should be questioned about link

Rejecting a probe of potential links between the Russians and the National Rifle Association has sparked a particularly bitter partisan rift on the Federal Election Commission, resulting in accusations of fake news and ignoring foreign election interference.

The Texas-based American Ethane company previously donated tens of thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Louisiana Republicans including Johnson, who was voted by the House to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker on Wednesday following three weeks of GOP chaos in the lower chamber.

While American Ethane was run in 2018 by American John Houghtaling, 88 percent of the firm was owned by three Russian nationals—Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev.


Dinesh D’Felon was busted for campaign finance violations shortly after being imported here from India to make Republican propaganda films.

Dinesh D’Felon is from the Goa vicinity of India. Goa was a notorious Portuguese trading enclave. D’Felon, of mixed ancestry, kept the colonizer name of a Portuguese ancestor to appear more European to his Republican masters. He is one of the absolute most despicable Republican propagandists on the country and should have been deported after his criminal actions.

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