rendering-tools reblogged
rendering-tools reblogged
I got this done at Classic tattoo in Upland CA The artist was Frankie C.
I love serialist art work and this is my first of many to come.
rendering-tools reblogged
Won’t you take me to Funky Town?
Sylvia Plath (via incorrectsylviaplathquotes)
rendering-tools reblogged
submitted by 3bay
Source: facebookfortunes
rendering-tools reblogged
rendering-tools reblogged
[image: Purple-tinted pages of a book curled to make a heart shape. Text: “I’ve never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I’ve never been kissed.
But I find both men and women attractive. Is this because I’m an artist and I find the human body beautiful?
People say I need to date before I can know what I am, but why do I need to BE anything? Can’t I just be attracted to people and fall in love?”]
Submitted by anonymous
rendering-tools reblogged
Submitted by anonymous