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renaissance suggestions


all political murder, all the time
Anonymous asked:

anon here, so my dad is my uncle, my aunt is my mom, my dad is dead, i'm in love with my aunt whom is the same age as me. it's not incest if you don't know right?


Anonymous asked:

Were there any ladies with a mistress???

Kinda? A mistress was kind of considered a public position to some extent - a lot of important men acknowledged their mistresses and gave them houses and acknowledged bastard children. So in the sense I usually refer to it, not really.

But romantic relationships between women absolutely existed. There’s not a ton of documentation but there are def some examples and presumably more lost.

In terms of public stuff, one courtesan, Isabella de Luna, reportedly used the sexual services of another courtesan though to be fair the source is Bandello and….. lol.

Anonymous asked:

Only beauty you wish for your mistresses ?

Of course not, I desire a truly cultured and graceful woman. She must have some wit, though she should not behave as some women do who think their minds comparable to a man’s. A certain degree of respectability helps as well. I do not want to be embarrassed.

Athletic skill really does not matter, I prefer hawking with my gentlemen. I do not overvalue fertility, my wife has borne six children so far and to be wholly honest, it’s made her no fun at all. I’m trying to have a nice time and she’s constantly telling me things like “our daughter has a fever and may pass from this world” and “our daughter died this morning and it grieves me”. She has no sense of how to lift a man’s spirit.

Anonymous asked:

Has your wife ever had mistresses?

Of course not, she is a respectable noblewoman.

In this house, the infidelity goes one way exactly.

Anonymous asked:

How many mistresses do you have ? How do I win your favour ?

Oh, I’ve had a few. I tend to only keep one at a time of late as my political duties take up much of my time. My last one had an unfortunate accident after Maddalena came to attend on her, but that won’t happen again, don’t worry about that.

I prefer beautiful and cultured women (and sometimes men, but that’s less of an official position).

Anonymous asked:

At what time should I arrive at your palazzo ?

In the evening, after I’ve conducted my business.

Do not accept any food or drink from the serving woman Maddalena, she is a favorite of my wife’s and they have been known to place certain adverse extracts in the food and drink consumed by my mistresses, if you know what I mean….

Anonymous asked:

Ooh, popularity is for sheep. Are you one ? I hope not... One can dress as a sheep but be a wolf. Yours S.

As a wise man who nonetheless had less money than I do once said, ‘one must be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.’

Anonymous asked:

Signore, I inquire about the position of concubine. I am well versed, sing as a nightingale, and know how to play several instruments. I may not be of flaxen hairs nor pale eyes. My hairs are more golden and copper tones as is my sight. My husband has a dull mind... come play ? Yours admiringly S.

There is a secret door at the side of my palazzo.... my servants will show you inside. They will examine you for weapons, be warned. I am very unpopular of late.

Anonymous asked:

My betrothed is always commissioning nude portraits of himself with the shepherd Justus (also nude) he says it is a symbol of friendship but I don't know... what do you think

it is highly likely your betrothed has engaged in relations with this shepherd. however, i wouldn’t worry about it. it is so very common for men to cavort before their marriages and a home and family will be a stabilizing influence. i would concentrate on building a home and producing children. men’s business is their own. (however, if he proves without reform, you may perhaps discretely engage in affairs of your own. but go to confession afterward!)

Anonymous asked:

What do you, as a florentine, think of the kingdom of 2 sicilies, specifically naples

naples is full of traitorous punks who cannot be trusted and we’ll associate with them when we have to but keep one eye open at all times, you know?

Anonymous asked:

why do you think men for florence engage so often in homosexual activities? are they all so handsome? do they spend too much time looking at art featuring naked men? what's in the water....

they have too much time on their hands

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