Can I just say that your blog is lovely? 💜 I hope you don't get too much hate from religious people, hon
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Most religionists are harmless and want to ask a question or get further explanation. Sometimes honest, sometimes not. Others are just dummies who can’t resist spouting something vacuous and platitudinous which amounts to little more than "booger.”
The insults from the nasty or aggressive ones are usually hilarious, as they generally take one of two forms: either they say something dumb that makes it clear they’ve never actually read anything I have to say; or they try to bother me with comments that only work if you believe the same superstitions as they do, which makes it clear they don’t know what an atheist is, but think that threatening one is the best way to fix the “problem.”
Or sometimes both.
But it’s hard to take someone seriously when they’re threatening you with the wrath of The Wicked Witch of the West. “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!”
They can only influence you in ways that you allow them to. The most I’ll allow them to do is inspire me to write.