He's far delusional than I imagined. He also sent me almost the same message adding a few different last phrases that you'll find more laughable. And I haven't neither turned off the comment option, in fact I welcome anybody to comment me nor have I have said anything that was out of context. I hope he finds professional help as soon as possible because no one can actually live in reality like this.
Well, now I'm disappointed. I thought the time this person spent rambling out an incoherent tirade in a drug-fuelled haze was time spent that was special to the two of us.
Turns out he just gives it away to everyone.
Notice how it's somehow "arrogant" to reject an imposed expectation to unquestioning entertain this insane ranting - to the extent of trying to act like it's some kind of moral failing that parents would find objectionable - and even more arrogant to instead offer reasons why it makes no sense and isn't worthwhile.
But it's somehow not "arrogant" to vomit it up in people's faces, get angry when they find it wanting, and claim to know as "fact" something that nobody else in the entire world, that even our best scientists over the last decades and centuries, couldn't figure out or find. Even trying to pretend it's a matter of social obligation to do so.
And casually slip in some throwaway line about "Mother Nature" to feign depth, when what he’s saying categorically contravenes every single thing about nature. Every plant and animal on Earth will die, even the Earth and Sun will ultimately be destroyed, but some idiot on the internet will be exempt from all this and "simply move on."
"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."
-- Hitchens' Razor
To ramble this nonsense out, steadfastly reject the expectation he should substantiate any of it, much less address all the obvious ways in which it violates everything we do know, calling the blog “outerfringescience” is a bizarre move. Literally no science functions this way, demanding so much of others and nothing of itself. Indeed, even the sciences looking into weird things about our world would acknowledge they have an even greater obligation on them to make sense and justify their conclusions. The obligation is in proportion to fringiness, not inversely proportional. Not comprehending this isn’t a good start, that positioning yourself outside normal or traditional science makes the burden greater, not lesser. But then saying insane shit and then getting mad when called on it suggests the blog should be renamed “I-have-no-fucking-clue-how-science-works”.
Having looked at his blog, there’s a lot of words and literally no science. Just rambling in the quantum woo style, and of course, links to give him money.
This person doesn't care about truth. Given his copy/paste promiscuity, it just seems like he’s after regular garden variety attention, with no concern what form it comes in.
He’ll get no more from me.