No, you’re just a liar, as we shall discover.
If Gravity is “just a theory”, then jump out a 10 storey window. I dare you.
If Electron Theory is ‘just a theory”, then lick a power socket. I dare you.
If Quantum Theory was “just a theory”, then you wouldn’t be reading this.
There is literally no way you’re a biochem major while being this pathologically ignorant.
but what you, as well as the rest of the *science preachers* out here don’t realize is that most of science is actually theory NOT fact.
Science doesn’t set out to create or prove “facts”. It takes factual data and forms the most coherent, useful, reliable models that explain and predict with the greatest accuracy. It seeks to explain the world with increasing levels of confidence based on the facts about the universe we can gather. Each model is subject to revision or even falsification if factual data is found to indicate correction or abandonment is required. All scientific principles are subject to this at any time, however you must meet at least the same standard that the model as accepted on in the first place. (i.e. a strawman or your ignorance are insufficient.)
Anyone who was actually involved in science would know what a theory is. That you don’t is a clear indicator that you are not.
This is seriously grade-school level stuff. It’s actually shocking to hear someone this poorly educated about science pretending to be involved in it.
Therefore you can not prove something to be false with something that has not yet been proven to be true and never will be because no one is going to be able to go to the beginning of time to see what happened for sure.
This is the “were you there?” argument.
Nobody is convicted because the judge and the jury witnessed the crime personally. They’re convicted because evidence uniquely points to one explanation over any other explanation, or is concordant with one explanation over all others.
You should print out this argument and take it with you when you’re summoned to jury duty. They’ll dismiss you as dangerously unqualified and send you home immediately.
To demand that we go back to the beginning of time to form anything more than utterly speculative guesses is not just profoundly scientifically ignorant, not just in denial of reality in general, but is to also make it clear that you forfeit any of your “spiritual” claims yourself about the nature of the universe. Were you there?
Good luck with that process of personal witnessing in your biochem major, by the way. That should go really well for you. Were you there when the myocin and actin contracted the skeletal tissue? No? Well, then, that’s just speculation, isn’t it? (That’s a little biochem joke between me and... well, not you, but actual biochemists.)
If "yOu wErEn’T tHeRe!1!!” or “yOu dOnT hAvE a tImE mAcHinE!1!” is the limit of your understanding of how we explore nature, then the mysteries of genetics, DNA and proteins need never fear exposure by the wildly swinging blunt sledgehammer of your finely tuned intellect.
Just as science is full of theories, so is religion.
Except that they do not occupy equal footing with regards to evidence. Religion relies entirely on “faith” which is an admission that evidence does NOT exist. If it did, faith would not be required at all.
Where there is evidence, no one speaks of “faith.” We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence. - Bertrand Russell
On the other hand, science has loads of evidence, because the scientific process demands it. Evolution is as well evidenced as the heliocentric nature of the solar system.
That you don’t understand this difference is astonishing for a purported “biochem major”. (Is it too late to get a refund on your tuition?)
And if you think electric shock therapy or lobotomy is a thing of the past, your wrong.
Correct. Because we figured out it’s actually useful. Because we understand now why it seemed to work, what circumstances it works on, how the electrical system of the human body, including the brain, functions.
My aunt underwent ECT. She said it was the best thing she ever did for her mental health. It’s done under extremely tight controls, for extremely specific reasons.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure used to treat certain psychiatric conditions. It involves passing a carefully controlled electric current through the brain, which affects the brain’s activity and aims to relieve severe depressive and psychotic symptoms.
Modern day ECT is safe and effective. It can relieve symptoms of the most severe forms of depression more effectively than medication or therapy, but because it is an intrusive procedure and can cause some memory problems, ECT should be used only when absolutely necessary.
Did you know that they still cut people open to heal them? OMG!!?!?!
Bringing this up at all in this way to incite panic is either dishonesty or ignorance. It’s really hard to tell. It’s weird that you object to a procedure that actually helps people’s health. Out of nothing but superstition.
Every individual has their own consciousness and with that they can explore their own spirituality.
Define “spirituality”. Seriously. Every single person who has ever popped out this buzzword has a different idea of what this means. It’s completely meaningless, because nobody agrees on it, but like “faith” you pop it out to avoid actually justifying yourself.
“Spirituality” (whatever that means) doesn’t even rise to the level of being a merely a “theory”. Looking down at science as “just a theory” when you don’t even have that is bold intellectual dishonesty and blatant hypocrisy, motivated by your own existential terror.
It doesn’t matter what the nature of your claim is, if you can’t prove it’s true, manifests in reality, is concordant with the real world - which is what “real” means - then nobody needs to dignify it. And you have no reason to believe it yourself.
The idea that your superstitions are justified because science can’t find them reflects on you, not on science. You could change the entire world by giving science the new tools to discover and explore your “spirituality” (whatever that means) thing. But you can’t, and you don’t. You call it “spirituality” (whatever that means) and expect others to look no further.
Consciousness is an activity of the physical brain. It cannot exist without a brain any more than a football game can exist absent a field, a ball and players, or a nature hike can exist without people and a place to do it. They don’t exist on their own. To act like consciousness can exist absent the physical materials that facilitate it is the same as asking for a bucket of “football game” or a crate of “nature hike.” Consciousness is a activity that emerged out of the complexity that developed within the human brain as the species evolved.... imperfectly. Hence the mental illnesses the human organism is prone to.
It’s so, so weird to have a purported “biochem major” not know such basic things about the human organism.
Western science is not meant to be portrayed factually to the population.
There’s no such thing as “western science.” There is just science.
"By definition, Alternative Medicine has either not been proved to work, or been proved not to work. Do you know what they call Alternative medicine that's been proved to work? Medicine.” - Tim Minchin
It’s really quite colonialist and racist of you to assume that non-western cultures can’t or won’t engage the scientific method, and need to use “other” methods. Is that because you think they’re incapable of it? Do you not know about all the scientific achievements of people from India, China, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, and so forth?
Again, super-weird that you’re role-playing as a “biochem major” when you don’t know how science works or who can - and does - do it.
Whereas western societies will immediately label certain symptoms in a human being as “disordered” many eastern, as well as indigenous cultures, will revere the same folks with the same symptoms as spiritual leaders and they thrive within their communities.
Did they also kill people with epilepsy for having “demons”? Cook with their own urine? I bet if I dig in deeply enough here, we’ll find plenty of Noble Savage traditions that you’re inclined to completely disregard.
You know how we evaluate the worthwhile ones? Evidence. They had no evidence or understanding of neurology or neurochemistry. They didn’t know something was wrong, so they worshipped it.
The upshot of this is that you prefer to fetishize someone with a mental health issue out of tradition, rather than give them the benefit of the more extensive experience and knowledge we have. And that’s pretty sick.
Without spirituality, we would falter as human beings.
If you’re going to claim any of your definition to be “true” then start justifying it. How you eliminated other possibilities. How we can verify it. Otherwise, you’re demanding we take your word on “faith” alone. And nobody is obliged to do that.
If we believe there’s nothing beyond our physical vessel or beyond this physical realm then we will never be able to connect with our inner selves,
If you’re so caught up in the imaginary because you can’t find fulfilment or satisfaction in the real world, then you’ll waste your life chasing rainbows. Except we know rainbows exist.
Your claim that there is anything “beyond our physical world” is an assertion you have not even substantiated, and clearly reject the notion that you’re obliged to. We need not spend effort in your word salad as you blather about that which you cannot justify. Throwing around pseudo-profound terminology and vague bullshit doesn’t back up your case.
AND BEFORE I get called a dumb bimbo, I’m a fucking biochem major.
You’re not a dumb bimbo. You’re a pathological liar, as we’ve already established. You’re not a scientist. There is no way.
You don’t even know what science is. You don’t know how it functions, you don’t know what it sets out to achieve. You’ve proven that yourself with alarming clarity.
Even if you were (you’re not), it doesn’t even matter. You’re attempting an Argument from Authority fallacy while clearly you’re no authority on anything scientific. Ergo, an Appeal to Dubious Authority fallacy in practice. Saying “I’m a biochem major!” is no more relevant than “I’m a professional rodeo clown!” when you’re demonstrably, embarrassingly wrong.
(Do look into the rodeo clowning, though. Might be a better fit.)
But you’re definitely a porn blog. Reported.