“This book is meant to save us from hell fire. If an elevator fire rescue manual was as ambiguous, the author would be fired.”
-- Armin Navabi
Muslims know the quran isn’t perfect, since they can’t agree what it even means.
@religion-is-a-mental-illness / religion-is-a-mental-illness.tumblr.com
“This book is meant to save us from hell fire. If an elevator fire rescue manual was as ambiguous, the author would be fired.”
-- Armin Navabi
Muslims know the quran isn’t perfect, since they can’t agree what it even means.
Imagine the road rules told as metaphors. Imagine people driving with as many different interpretations and understanding of the road rules, what applies and what doesn’t, as there are interpretations of what bible-god wants, what applies and what doesn’t. Now imagine any police officer trying to enforce the road rules when every single person can defend themselves by saying “well, what I took away from it was...” Now remember this is supposedly the idea of a super-intelligent creator of everything. It has set everyone up for failure, including itself and its own evaluation system.
If the desires of your god are told through metaphor, then we can also conclude that them being the desires of a god - as well as the existence of that god - is also a metaphor.