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K. At the end of the world, where the lions weep. Here is a place where dreams are born.

Pamela Anderson choosing to wear no makeup (not “natural” makeup, not a “no-makeup makeup” look, but actually no makeup on her skin) to events and letting her wrinkles and age spots be clearly visible is actually groundbreaking and anyone who paints it as not a big deal, or worse, as somehow an attack on some other group, is a moron

It’s especially meaningful that she’s doing it because she was SO sexualised and SO disrespected for it when she was young. This is a very clear condemnation of the objectification of female celebrities, by a female celebrity with extensive personal experience of that objectification, and anyone who feels uncomfortable about it deserves to be uncomfortable. Let that discomfort motivate y’all to stop defending the indefensible demands that women are singled out for.

Some examples of Pamela Anderson wearing no makeup— SAG Awards this year, Pandora ad, and something else I don’t know


That’s actually a brilliant idea, even from a strict effectiveness standpoint.

Pity they got shut down.

Some examples:

Just goes to show how much data facebook/insta collect about you that gets sent to advertisers. Also facebook responded by effectively saying ‘yes we collect the data but we dont allow advertisers to say that they’re using this data’ after trying to accuse Signal of pulling a ‘PR stunt’. Facebook is so scummy.

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