Dmitry Shorin - 3D (2010)
Александр Лабас. Полет на Луну. 1935 Aleksandr Labas - Flight to the Moon 1935
Aleksandr Rodchenko Young Pioneer Girl, I9JO. Photograph, printed from original negative, 29.3 x 20. 6 em.
Lenin in the Tretyakov
А. Н. Самохвалов. Военизированный комсомол. 1932-1933
In 1928, the Left Front of the Arts avant-gardists teamed up with the Young Communist League for a shock campaign aimed at eliminating badly designed interiors, knick-knacks and other middle class aesthetic objects under the slogan "down with domestic trash". Tasteless figurines, postcards and mass produced paintings were confiscated and burned in the streets, flower wallpaper ripped from the walls in the "war against ugly philistine aesthetics." We socialists take aesthetics very seriously ;)
1937 Nissky Gregory (Russia 1903-1987) “In the Far East. Aerodrome.”
1937 Нисский Георгий Григорьевич (Россия, 1903-1987) «На Дальнем Востоке. Аэродром»
Georgy Nissky - Aerodrom (1961) 1961 Нисский Георгий Григорьевич (Россия, 1903-1987) «Аэродром»
Константин Юон. Люди будущего. 1929 Konstantin Yuon. People of the future. 1929
"The more deeply anti-fascist literature is embedded in this soil, the better it will be able to create contrasting types of good and evil, models of what should be admired and what hated – and the greater will be its resonence among the people”. -Georg Lukacs
Katerina Clark
Katerina Clark