“ソックス大自慢。一目惚れして即買いしてしまった(めったにない)。古代ローマのモザイク画のような絵柄と色合い素晴らしい! Fell in love with there socks! #bonnemaison #france” (Hine Mizushima/水島ひね(@sheishine)さん | Twitterから)
rb this and tag the things you collect! i collect knives, anything heart shaped, dead winged insects, stickers, earrings, glitter, and makeup
tiny glass animals and backpacks
Planet-inspired socks from the MOMA store! Venus (orange/red/yellow), Saturn (brown), & Neptune (blue). The website links inexcusably confuse Venus & Neptune so you should probably get all three just to be safe.
An update on socks that I desire.
I don’t even like wearing socks I just think socks are neat. Like, I walk around barefoot like a hobbit but every time I see weird/cute socks I flip out over them.