AAALLLL of my Comic Con loot together in one place :P (I saved up for months and months to have decent money to spend oh my god it hurts to have let it go but... COMICON
2. I actually did not get this at comic con nor was it sold there, I got it online and it was in the mail when I got home today so I thought it fit here LOL
4. Mann Co shirt (funny I was actually wearing this today so I had to take it off to get it in the pic LOL)
6. A ton of tiny glass/porcelain aminals :>
7. INSANELY WELL DONE NVSSP PATCHES A FELLOW COSPLAYER GAVE ME. <3 (let me know if you want me to mention you here or not- I wasn't sure if you wanted people bugging you about them or what)
8. BONK! thermos with hysterical ingredients/warnings you HAVE TO READ.
9. SHITLOAD OF STICKERS because they were reeeaaaasonably priced. Don't judge me, you guys know stickers are my crack.
10. Most of you already know about this but, no I didn't get the sketchbook, the purple CECIL BALDWIN SIGNATURE though...