Less than one week away! We already have 3 buses confirmed for this day! We cannot wait to have our Italian Speaking Pilgrims at Teopoli. If you would like to hop on a bus from the GTA please give us a call at 416-243-7319. Can't wait to see you all! Pellegrinaggio italiana a Teopoli - 7 luglio 2019 Dal 1977, quando una grande croce di legno fu eretta vicino alla cascata, Teopoli è diventata un centro di pellegrinaggi mensili da maggio a ottobre. Questi pellegrinaggi hanno tre punti salienti di preghiera in comune ovvero, la Santa Messa, le Stazioni della Croce e il Santo Rosario con Benedizione Eucaristica. Per favore, ricordate che questi sono giorni di preghiera. Tutti i partecipanti devono assistere a tutte le funzioni religiose della giornata. Teopoli si trova a: 1458 Housey’s Rapids Rd. (RR.#3) Gravenhurst, Ont. P1P 1R3 Tel. 705-687-4488 Per eventuali informazioni e per prenotare il posto sull’autobus pregasi telefonare a: Società Unita, 416-243-7319 #Catholic #Passionists #StPauloftheCross #StGabrielofOurLadyofSorrows #Teopoli #TeopoliGravenhurst #Gravenhurst #priesthood #Musoka #catholicchurch #catholicconnect #catholicfamily #catholiccommunity #catholiclife #catholicfaith #catholicphotography #BeAPassionist #PassionistVocations #Toronto #PilgrimageTours #JesustheListener #SrCarmelina #DayTrips #Prayer #catholicpriest #ourladyofguadalupe #ourladyoftherosary https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbAaYql5Tt/?igshid=1pxx79jnhk8mw
We already have 3 buses confirmed for this day! We cannot wait to have our Italian Speaking Pilgrims at Teopoli. If you would like to hop on a bus from the GTA please give us a call at 416-243-7319. Can't wait to see you all! Pellegrinaggio italiana a Teopoli - 7 luglio 2019 Dal 1977, quando una grande croce di legno fu eretta vicino alla cascata, Teopoli è diventata un centro di pellegrinaggi mensili da maggio a ottobre. Questi pellegrinaggi hanno tre punti salienti di preghiera in comune ovvero, la Santa Messa, le Stazioni della Croce e il Santo Rosario con Benedizione Eucaristica. Per favore, ricordate che questi sono giorni di preghiera. Tutti i partecipanti devono assistere a tutte le funzioni religiose della giornata. Teopoli si trova a: 1458 Housey’s Rapids Rd. (RR.#3) Gravenhurst, Ont. P1P 1R3 Tel. 705-687-4488 Per eventuali informazioni e per prenotare il posto sull’autobus pregasi telefonare a: Società Unita, 416-243-7319 #Catholic #Passionists #StPauloftheCross #StGabrielofOurLadyofSorrows #Teopoli #TeopoliGravenhurst #Gravenhurst #priesthood #Musoka #catholicchurch #catholicconnect #catholicfamily #catholiccommunity #catholiclife #catholicfaith #catholicphotography #BeAPassionist #PassionistVocations #Toronto #PilgrimageTours #JesustheListener #SrCarmelina #DayTrips #Prayer #catholicpriest #ourladyofguadalupe #ourladyoftherosary https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqT3IylY7f/?igshid=ca602ojqymle
Today, Fr. Claudio Piccinini, C.P. celebrates the anniversary of his ordination as a Passionist Priest! #catholic #catholicto #priesthood #immigrants #societaunita #italianImmigrants #passionists #beapassionist #teopoli #theunitedsociety #srcarmelinatarantino #religiouslife #anniversary #47thanniversary #vocations #Vocationsto #toronto #vaughan #pilgrimages #passionistsisters #archtoronto #sacrifice #vows #ordination #love #Jesus #God #calling #ministry https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNnsJmF6TD/?igshid=19v6ci1jwrb68
Happy Birthday, Fr. Claudio Piccinini, C.P. Thank you to Eraldo and Angelina Montanari for the lovely cake and company. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! #catholic #catholicism #catholicto #passionists #archtoronto #BeaPassionist #love #birthday #community #etobicoke #prayer #life #priesthood #religiouslife #celebration
#Repost from @passionistvocations The USCCB has designated the first week in November as National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW). It is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations. #prayforvocations #beapassionist #catholicto #teopoli #FrClaudioPiccinini #srcarmelinatarantino #passionists #religiouslife #vocations #vocationsto #toronto #muskoka #gravenhurst #jesus #god #love #work #prayer #education #nvaw #november #consecratedlife #priesthood #discernment #stgabrielofthesorrowfulmother #stpaulofthecross #StGemmaGalgani #mothermary
Today, Fr. Claudio Piccinini, C.P. celebrates the anniversary of his ordination as a Passionist Priest! @thepassionists @archtoronto @passionistvocations @hermanaspasionistas #catholic #catholicto #priesthood #immigrants #societaunita #italianImmigrants #passionists #beapassionist #teopoli #theunitedsociety #radioteopoli #srcarmelinatarantino #religiouslife #anniversary #45thanniversary #vocations #Vocationsto #toronto #vaughan #pilgrimages #passionistsisters #archtoronto #sacrifice #vows #ordination #love #Jesus #God #calling #ministry
Today's #WayBackWednesday has never been documented so here we go! Check out these 50 Years Vowed Passionist Religious celebrating their call to religious life! Members of the Passionist Class that celebrated 50 years as a Passionist religious gathered on Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 at the Passionist Monastery in Jamaica, N.Y. to celebrate their 50th Anniversary of Profession #Catholic #CatholicTo #Passionists #beapassionist #religiouslife #priesthood #Toronto #jamaicanNY #newyork #50thanniversary #passionistmonastery #monastery #professionOfVows #Jesus #God #vocationsto #vocationsTo #prayforvocations #HolyMass #celebration #Teopoli #theunitedsociety
#Repost from @paul_wierichs Passionist that gave their lives for Jesus at Holy Name Passionist retreat house are remembered. #Catholic #CATHOLICTO #Florida #Toronto #Jesus #God #Passionists #vocationsTo #vocations #priesthood #religiouslife #seminarians #Teopoli #theunitedsociety #Saints #mothermary #life #love #vocations #Prayer #vocation
Dr. Peter Kreeft on Women and the Priesthood (via chi-the-rho)
Is God calling you to the priesthood? Pursue it. Explore it! www.vocationstoronto.ca
Priestly ordination - Priests who are present also come forward and lay both their hands on the head of each candidate, again demonstrating more forcefully the outward sign of power being conferred through this kind of action.
Anatomy of a Seminarian
“Why do so many men seek fulfillment and satisfaction where it cannot be found? Why do we settle for counterfeits rather than the real thing? Why do we believe the media’s distortions of masculinity?
We believe them because they are counterfeits, caricatures, and sterotypes. All such falsehoods...
Hearing confessions: at the word of the priest, Christ absolves the heart in search of forgiveness.
Archbishop Charles Chaput (Philadelphia-designate)