Radio Teopoli, AM530 wants you to join Catholics all around the world celebrating the 3rd Sunday of Lent by tuning into our regular Saturday program on AM530 with our returning host Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P. with his Lenten inspiring talk titled 'Come to the Mountain'.
Shortly after that we have Food for the Journey.
Sr. Ann Shields believes there is a major disconnect in the lives of many Catholics: a separation between God’s word and its application to our personal/daily lives. Through teaching, stories and inspirational challenges, Sister Ann is able to reach listeners from North America on Catholic radio stations and as far away as China and Pakistan via the internet.
Exodus 20:1-17 Commandments!
Psalm 19 Lord, you have the words of everlasting life
1Corinthians 1:22-25 Don’t judge by your standards but God’s
John 2:13-25 What is the basis of our judgments?—Popular opinion or God’s? What other people say or what Scripture says?
We hope you enjoy it!
This Saturday 9pm EST