#sex industry – @rad-feminism on Tumblr

For The Love Of Women

@rad-feminism /

Anonymous asked:

Honestly I find it especially wild when western libfems act like their super duper positive experiences w/ the sex industry is even the norm in "developed" countries. Here in America, black girls are at such high risk for abuse already and make up a significant portion of girls forced or groomed into prostitution. Pretty much any minority or low income girl is at a terrible risk to be sexually exploited but they're all but forgotten by their fellow westerners because they're "inconvenient".

I’m constantly surprised and revolted at the same feminists that claim to “be intersectional”, considering they so casually ignore that in majority of the WORLD prostitution and the sex industry is such a huge way that girls and women are abused, raped and traded like property. Western Feminism is so embarrassing and just straight up damaging.


It disgusts me that millions of women and children worldwide are being trafficked and sold into sex slavery- literally young girls and women are taken out of school, kidnapped and forced into prostitution but liberal feminists defend the practice based on a couple of women in the west who "choose to"? Do you know what the sex industry really is? It is millions of women and children all over South Asia, East Asia, North and South Africa, and every other ethnic group imaginable being taken from their homes and being raped against their will. It is giant rings of pimps and johns that FORCE these women and children into these lifestyles. It is a dangerous and straight up despicable act to defend this industry and claim that it is a reasonable industry, save for something to be proud of. Radical feminists support the women and children, not the privileged western women who webcam and claim sex positivity. Fuck the misunderstanding, and fuck your silencing labels of "terf" and "swerf" when we are the only group that actually cares about the rape and sex trafficking around the world.


can you believe that even within feminism it’s literally considered radical to oppose an industry thats success relies on the rape of women for male entertainment

really really really don’t want to engage with any of it but the amount of people misunderstanding this post is unbelievable. is every single woman in the sex trade completely unwilling? no. is every single pornographic video explicitly violent? no. but guess what! remove every single unwilling woman and every single male benefitting from their exploitation and you do not have a sex industry as we know it. rape and coercion of women by men is the backbone of porn and prostitution. that is what this post is about and it’s not my opinion, it’s the truth.

Anonymous asked:

sounds like the kinda shit a terf would say

Not really. And honestly, I’m not going to ignore the very important issue of FGM as an African woman, that would be ridiculous of me. To pretend that vaginas have no basis on the oppression of women, would be for me to directly deny the experiences of many African women. Nothing I said in my post was trans exclusionary


Wow so saying fgm is a very real issue now makes you a terf. Tumblr needs to get out of their uwu bubble of american centricism and actually care about women in developing countries. You also get called a swef here if you want to talk about how we should be caring about victims of sex trafficking over middle class white women who live in lofts as cam girls.

Thailand is the most infamous Asian country known for its sex industry, there is virtually every type of sexual deviance that can be bought in the country, such as gay sex, transvestites, pedophilia, and thousands of women working in bars, hotels, massage parlors, and brothels. Thailand is known as the “Brothel of Asia” in which estimates are that one third to one fourth of all young Thai women work in the sex industry. The growth of the sex industry has come with globalization. Globalization intensifies displacement and use of indigenous populations for little pay and therefore has replaced slavery. Liberalization, privatization, deregulation, of economies, the dumping of goods, and the competition brought by big businesses eat out the struggling Thai industries. Therefore, women’s work has been affected, such as factory work in the textile, electronic and food industries. Women have poor working conditions, no voice, and no right to unionize. “Imperialist globalization pushes women into the informal economy.” Globalization, which makes it easy for international travel and restructuring of industries to cheaper locales, has brought the modern day slavery of prostitution. In Thailand, the poverty was made worse by land conversion and demolition of urban and rural communities. Many fishing villages have been extirpated to make room for industrial plants or roads, this has polluted the rivers and agriculture plunging many rural farmers into poverty. The environment in rural areas has been devastated from deforestation by lumber industries. Natural resources have been abused and farmers have no more fishing grounds. Sometimes these families have no other choice but to sell their children into sex. The average prostitute working in Bangkok makes up to twenty times more than the wages of a domestic worker. These young girls feel obligated to go into the sex industry because they see it as the only way to earn a living and support their families. In Asian culture it is very important to be an “obedient” daughter and give back to parents, there is less of a sense of self as in Western culture and a high importance is placed on the kinship familial unit. Remittances coming from daughters working in the urban sex sector going to the families living in rural villages is close to US $300 million (Lim). “Women arrive daily in Bangkok from the countryside to swell the huge industrial reserve workforce in the capital. Untrained in any skills, with the basic minimum education, they can get less than the subsistence needs and they have no other ways than to sell their bodies.”

Christina Leano, The Colonization Of The Female Body (2011) [X] (via witchbornwitch)

Porn teaches men they are gods. Pop culture teaches men that the epitome of success is to be surrounded by naked women, fawning over you. Prostitution exists because we, as a culture, very much believe that women exist to pleasure men. We tell women that they have to “work” in marriage, to keep their men happy, to keep them from straying — buy sexy lingerie, try threesomes, try anal, perform every porn fantasy he has — he needs it, he deserves it, it is your job. We can continue to skirt around these truths — that the sex industry and our patriarchal culture breed men like Rodger — but expect more violence, more deaths, more rape, and more abuse. Our world is rife with Elliot Rodgers. We create them every day. They aren’t going anywhere.

There are literally millions of women trapped in prostitution and other parts of the “sex industry” who didn’t “consent” to be there. Can we stop focusing on the few white, college-educated women who have the privilege and safety to make a ”risque” choice? They may have a safety net, but protecting their choice throws a lot of women under the bus who didn’t get a say. 

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