Goodbye Brittany S. Pierce (September 9, 2009 - March 20, 2015)
fandom: awwww, brittana’s so cute because santana’s such a badass and brittany’s so sweet to everyone! santana: actual ray of sunshine, genuinely loves and cares for everyone to ever even step foot in the choir room for more than five seconds. brittany: literal sassmaster, shades the fuck out of everyone, is probably secretly plotting to kill everyone but the troubletones and her cats.
brittana + season finales
Brittany and Santana’s first and last kiss
Brittana Moment 2/∞ → With feelings it’s better
First and last “I love you”
best of glee → 2.03 grilled cheesus
@BFalchuk Brittana is on. Brittana was always on. Episode 15 — and Gwyneth is the one who gets them together… Sexy (March 8th, 2011)
Brittany S. Pierce + Q&A
i would have suffered it all just for the tiny chance to be standing up here, marrying you.