#android – @quarkslobes on Tumblr

never get a tympanic tickle from an amateur


hey im mik and when i was 13 i laughed at adults on tumblr because, surely, i would mature past my childish ways by then. and now im 21 with a hot pink star trek blog. welcome!
my posts are under “#quarkslobes post” and my ask box/dm is open for pics of your pets or cool trees or star trek or literally whatever.

i have this theory that data can feel emotions, but he's unaware of it because he cant feel the physical symptoms of emotions. like when we're anxious we sweat, hands shake, we get nauseous, face flushes– if i couldn't feel those physical symptoms would i even be able to tell the difference between anxiety versus sadness versus excitement etc etc...? i would feel very robotic about it too. i dont know, our thoughts are filtered through a body and they expect data to have those same body filtered emotions. i think he has the capacity to be even more in tune with his emotions and wants and needs than a biological human because he cant rely on the physical symptoms, he has to truly know whats in his brain.


alright bear with me for like two seconds. theres a scene in time's arrow where everyone thinks data is going to die, and riker tells troi that data once defined friendship as "as i experience certain sensory input patterns, my mental pathways become accustomed to them. the inputs eventually are anticipated and even missed when absent." except when data originally said that in the ep legacy, riker was on the other side of the bridge having a different conversation. just casually fifteen feet away ignoring his job to listen and memorize word for word how his buddy defined friendship. dont touch me


forever angry that they explained away datas awkwardness as being an android when probably most of it was just the fact that he grew up bullied by his entire town, only ever hung out with his deranged brother and egomaniac dad, then was abandoned and got amnesia, forgetting any social skills he might have learned. of course he doesn't understand metaphors you goons

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