i cant share all of ch5 so far but believe me when i say its a vibe. image reads as follows:
Creep up the stairs and they do not creak. Hard wood and oak, sturdy as a whole. Did they not use to be carpet? But it has been eight years, of course, how fortunate; certainly it is not unthinkable to have performed renovation. Although it would not be your father who is the renovator, simply the renovatee.
Storm-speaker is curled up on one side, facing away from the door and therefore you, when you enter. The line of her side rises and falls as she breathes; and your sister is, of course, alive. She is sick but alive. The blue-and-green patterned cover somehow fits the thick humidity in the room. The keen grey blinds are half-closed.
Walk over and press the back of your hand to her forehead. She groans a half-made mumble, but otherwise her temperature feels normal.
“Jus’ a cold,” she says, eyes screwed shut. “Headache.”