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the hopeless dream of being

@pulsingvoid /

not seeming, but being | natja | adult | she/her

don’t get me wrong Nat & Misty can be a hilarious duo & I love their antics from Misty busting into Nat’s hotel room & snorting her cocaine before she can relapse to Nat waiting in a dark room with a gun to dramatically surprise Misty.

but I also feel like their wackiness sometimes gets focused on to the detriment of what they really mean to each other.

I’m rewatching season 1 & I think the ending of “dollhouse” really showcases the MisyNat dynamic I love the most, the rare instances when they’re real with each other, & all the facades are stripped away.

by the end of the episode Nat is no longer letting Misty nose her way into this & Misty is no longer lying about anything from pretending to be Nat to flirt with Kevyn to breaking her car. instead they’re just both determined to see this thing through & FIND Travis.

the moment when Natalie sees Travis dead & just breaks is a brilliant acting moment from Juliet Lewis of course but Christina Ricci nails it in her reaction to Nat breaking too, I think.

Misty carefully reaching out for Nat & offering a comforting hand but not smothering her, quietly showing Nat the note she found from Travis in the car, & asking her what it might mean…. Well it’s such a sharp juxtaposition from all the worst sides of Misty that we’ve seen so far. It’s a major contrast with the scene earlier in the episode when in the teen timeline Ben is breaking down about his leg & Misty is practically forcing her comfort, insistently getting in his space & holding him whether he likes it or not, visibly relishing in his despair & reliance on her.

I think the end of dollhouse is the first time we see that Misty & Nat are truly friends. I do think before this we see that they have a rocky & nebulous sense of camaraderie. I mean, they go out for drinks, Nat may be consistently annoyed by Misty’s yammering but that’s also just Nats personality & she does consistently accept it & also goes on the road trip with Misty despite knowing Misty broke her car. There’s a sort of tired affection between them that’s really cute. But it also makes the real moments hit harder because it’s like oh, they’ve actually been through hell together & do care about each other.


I do think with news of the ceasefire, everyone should read up on what the ceasefire actually means and what the different phases of the ceasefire are. here's a good source for what we know as of now:

Some of my initial takeaways are:

  • this ceasefire is temporary (as of right now, six weeks long). negotiations will continue but israel is not offering guarantees about continued non-violence. BDS remains important. be vigilant, keep pressure up
  • rafah crossing will open one week after the initial phase starts
  • israel will release 2000 prisoners
  • more aid will get to northern gaza, look out for ways you can help
  • if the second phase is initiated, israel will do a complete withdrawal from gaza. which means the initial phase will not include that. again i say: BE VIGILANT
  • if the third phase is reached, reconstruction will begin "under international supervision"
  • nothing is over, even if this is a relief. do not tape out, do not tune out.
  • pls still read the full article

let us take a moment and grieve for all the lives lost. so many thousand people have been murdered by the zionist entity in the last fifteen months. palestinians in gaza have lost too much, from friends and family to their homes and livelihood.

this ceasefire is not an end to our solidarity with gaza. we will all be here waiting and praying for palestine to be wholly liberated from the occupation and watch her people be happy and free.

in the meantime, please keep donating to palestinian fundraisers. it is essential to support families planning on rebuilding.

alaa is a mother of two young children. her fundraiser has been verified. i request you to help her by sharing and donating to her gofundme.


"It's hard for me to say how much of Tai's behavior is motivated by her want to stay in the group and trying to figure out how to stay on everyone's good graces –– and how much of it is genuine fear or curiosity. Because when they were walking back to the cabin in the show, she started doing the chanting. I don't think that she would do that in that moment unless she really thought it might work or help with something. When she puts [Van's bone] in Shauna's hand, it might be her saying, 'I'll do anything to keep my friend alive. I'll worship your stupid God, I'll do your stupid chants, I don't care in this moment.' That's like one moment where Tai has no ego. Most of the time she has a big ego, but in that moment, it's gone." –– Jasmin Savoy Brown

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