L O L WHOOPS. Had the wrong episode playing.
I know something was up when puppets weren't draining kid!Dean of his life force.
but kid!dean(actor, the character he plays) dies in this episode so it can't be Dean. Unless like, Angel knows Cas (trololol, Angel knows an angel, I'm so funny.. ಠ_ಠ) and Angel calls Cas because of where he works, he knows people, duh. Anyway. He calls Cas and is like, "Uhm... That kid you told me to watch out for.. .He's kinda... dead." And Cas be all "Are you fucking shitting me?" in his glorious Cas way, and he comes to bring Dean back to life ('cause Sammy's at a friend's house because Dean is sick here, he's got a fever, poor baby) and Dean sees Cas for a split second before Cas is gone and Angel's there to take care of Dean.
this needs to happen. But, y'know, in a better and more polished way.