Did someone ask for a nice cheerful AMV coming from this fandom ?
Just found one. Enjoy before tomorrow’s depression.
@protectashlynx2k18 / protectashlynx2k18.tumblr.com
Did someone ask for a nice cheerful AMV coming from this fandom ?
Just found one. Enjoy before tomorrow’s depression.
Okay so the knife-fight-scene in the opening is gonna happen. I guess running-Eiji is what he'll be doing when he'll learn about the fight. And idk how it would end....
OKAY BUT. THE HALLOWEEN PARTY. MANGA READERS THOUGHT IT WOULDN'T MAKE IT IN THE EPISODE. IT TOTALLY DID. I was so not ready for this and I was totally dead from laughing too much. T-T
And Ash is still a kid huh, when Max asks about Eiji, then the library scene. T-T
And idk what to say more. May Ash and Eiji be fine for the next episode. Btw I've read that the episode 13 will air in 2 weeks????????
I only know Banana-Fish-day.