Yay! We've finally got "The Big Stieblitzki" summary!
As the author of (I'm pretty sure) the universe's only Sylvester Stieblitz-centeted fanfic, I am pretty excited to see him take a slightly more central role in an episode (even if it will invariably end up contradicting some of my headcanons about him.) Based on the "Big" title a part of me has been jokingly wondering if the episode would focus on Sylvester (or Cousin Mandy) rather than Rudy.
Sylvester inviting the Belchers to his birthday party makes sense to me as Sylvester strikes me as a kind of lonely guy who wouldn't have a lot of folks to invite to his party.
The description of Paul as "trying to hit on Rudy's mother" is odd since, like, haven't they already been dating for a while? But sometimes these summaries are oddly written.
Does this mean Rudy's mom will actually get a canon name? (Please let it be Wendy...) Also, I hope the woman Tina is trying to convince to commit to a relationship with Sylvester is not Vicki since I've already written like three fics that have them breaking up shortly after "The Amazing Rudy".
I'm also glad that it seems like this won't quite be the rough emotional episode for Rudy that "The Amazing Rudy" was (I mean, I love that episode but it basically always makes me cry) nor does it appear to be revisiting the "Rudy and Louise have a disagreement" territory that was already well-covered in "House of 1,000 Bounces" and "Bridge Over Troubled Rudy". I'm glad to have more Rudy episodes but don't want them to revisit the same territory as previous episodes (honestly, that goes for non-Rudy episodes too).
Although, now I'm wondering if Sylvester's birthday will have a bounce house...