@potatoxdumpling on Tumblr

Dude, where is my [redacted]?


she/they/lil punkin head/cabalan wiccan

So, my sims blog potatodumplingsims and my bunblr leoisafunnybunny, are up.i will upload my sims pix later tonight. Maybe after supper?

Anyways check them out. Idk why my simblr doesn’t link but…

Tonight we are having harvest veg soup, hamburgers and Caesar salad for evening meal.



🥔🥟 is here...

I was on GNJ but... no one is there anymore, it's just this wasteland really. I thought about Pillowfort but I don't like NSFW. I was a Tumblr whore back in the 2000's. I should start that up again. Hopefully it won't go ka-BOOM! like many other sites.

I just went for a walk... I am really waiting for my landlord to get my cheques so that I can cash them. I don't know why the hell he still has my money... go figure. He might cash them for me and then give me cash on hand. If he does, then I'm scootching over to PC Corner to pay the rest of my new computer off. I gave the dude $350, and with a broken CD-Rom, he would give me a break? Nope. >_> But, I always pay off my debts and it is a fucking ROG computer. Heavy duty gaming computer, plus I need a new laptop bag, cos the one he gave me doesn't quite fit 'She Beast' my computer.

If Dave (said landlord) gives me my money tonight, then I'll ask A to come with a bigger laptop bag and then, pay.

I think I'll be creating a simblr, and a bunblr for my pet rabbit Leo. He is a Flemish Giant. He is a giant suckybaby. LOL!

Well.. add me if you find me even remotely interesting.


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