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Dire Hard

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Look we have records of Medieval Knights crying out in their sleep, having emotional outbursts or flinching at the sound of clashing metal. We have records of people all through history who were treated badly by people who should have loved them, and having problems knowing who to trust. We have years worth of artists putting their human pain at broken hearts and broken promises into music that makes us cry.

Yes people have been traumatized by awful things for all of history and just like them You didn’t deserve to be hurt either.


“suffering doesn’t make you better, it just makes you suffer” - maus


"Pain doesn't make people; it's love that makes people. The pain is inconsequential; it's love that saves them." - caduceus clay

Where's that post about how Van Gogh didn't make art because he had depression, he made art because he had a brother who loved him and tried his best to support him and keep him alive through his depression.


there's a really funny 3d printing controversy going on btw.

if you don't know, there's a very popular 3d printing model out there called "benchy". this is used for benchmarking your 3d printer because it's a difficult print and will help test it out.

this is so widely used that people make their own little versions of it, remixing the 3d model to make benchy look cooler and stuff. however, a new company owns the benchy license. they are sending copyright takedowns to all those who wrongfully uploaded the benchy model.

of course, this is pissing off the 3d printing community greatly. everyone loved benchy and have used it for years. so someone on reddit decided to make a new model that is designed as a 3d printing stress test. one that works a lot like benchy, and people are freely able to edit it as they please. you know what they called it?



If it sounds like the composer is trying to blast you with the orchestra until you're as deaf as he is, it's Beethoven.

If it sounds like the composer might be a vampire, it's Bach.

If it sounds like the composer is trying to set the violins on fire, it's Vivaldi.

If it sounds like the composer is trying to shoot you, it's Tchaikovsky.

If it sounds like the composer is mansplaining to you, it's Wagner.

If it sounds like the composer is making fun of you, it's Mozart.

If it sounds like the composer is being a father figure to the music itself, it's Haydn

If it sounds like the composer is playing Star Wars 60 years early, it's Holst

If it sounds like the composer is trying to incite a riot, it's Stravinsky


i love adhd. i have a lot to do at work today. i take my meds. i open the word document. i immediately misspell “benzodiazepines.” i go on tumblr to post “benzodiazepenis….” for the mutualés. and then it’s 45 minutes later and ive caught up on tumblr and checked the weather and read a fic and texted an ex and ordered new pens and looked up a recipe for chicken pot pie and posted about adhd and done zero work.

you CANNOT leave this in the tags that's so perfect and accurate

Yeagh for fuckin real...


you people will just. say anything

okay but do you understand that liz wallace made the bechdel-WALLACE test because she was a dyke who wanted to go to movies and pretend the characters were dykes and her friend alison bechdel happened to put her silly little litmus assessment into a comic strip and then the rest of everyone else decided it was a bona fide way of means testing media for Feminist Content? do you know that? it doesn’t sound like you know that

some of you are the dumbest motherfuckers alive


“What if the conditions for passing were the opposite?” is… not a counterargument…

Too many people don’t understand that this test is a joke, and I mean that literally. It was published in a comic strip, with a very clear joke structure. There is a setup: The simplest, most basic, most entry-level test for whether women are treated like normal people in a movie imaginable. And there is a punchline: The world is so sexist that the vast majority of movies fail even at this super-easy test. It’s the kind of joke you laugh at because the world is shitty.

(And the few movies that do pass the test often do so by accident. The original comic strip had the punchline that Alien or Aliens passed because Ripley talked with the alien queen.)

People keep treating it like it’s this huge feminist thing that’s super important to judge whether a movie is good or not. And then other people keep pointing out that it doesn’t actually work for that. They’re right. But that’s because it was never meant to.

This test is the most simple, most meaningless hurdle for depiction of women in media to clear. The absolute bare minimum. That’s because it originally was the setup for a joke. Today, it is only useful if it is the start for a discussion of women in media; not the end of it. And I think it’s still very useful for that.

A good point to help visualise this is the inverse test: How many movies have two men, who have names, and talk to each other, about something other than a woman? Well, all of them, give or take a few. That imbalance is really the issue here.

It doesn’t really matter that much whether any given movie passes or not. What really matters is that not passing this is, still, the normal default case.


The comic in question:

Allison Bechdell is an openly Lesbian comic artist that likes to make comics about her experiences as a Butch Lesbian. The Bechdel-Wallace Test was an inside joke between her and her friend, Liz Wallace.

She wasn’t expecting it to become a cultural phenomenon. I’d like to believe that if it caught up, it was because everyone that understood the joke, also realized how many movies failed to pass it, as simple and dumb as the requirements are.

As the commenter above shows, this Bechdel Test is about women as large but the context is how lesbians experience media and the world at large.

If the only the women get to talk about in most forms of media is their male romantic love interests, then lesbians are excluded from media by its very nature.

It is about being alienated from the only way women often get to see themselves represented and perceived in culture and society.


Occasionally as an Australian you'll be talking to someone from overseas, and you'll discover a common phrase you took for granted is, in fact, not universally known outside of our country.

Turns out casually dropping "fuck me dead" into conversation will give unsuspecting Americans an aneurism.

The more you know.

Imagine being on a work call with an Aussie and they suddenly announce they're gonna blow a load in response to a problem.

Not Aussie but I asked an American once if she was taking the piss ( i.e. pulling my leg, joking. Perfectly cromulent and friendly english expression)

and she got really upset because she thought I was threatening to piss ON her


This is killing me

Rifling through the tags, here's some other terms which are apparently causing mass carnage whenever they escape our borders:

  • Having a goon (i.e. Sipping on a delightful wine)
  • Having a gaytime (Eating an icecream)
  • Having a sticky beak (Investigating)
  • Take a squiz (To have a sticky beak)
  • Get stuffed (To express a revelation is most frightful)
  • Chuck a sickie (Take a day off work due to the humours being misaligned)
  • Chuck a wobbly (When one's temperament becomes visibly upset)
  • Carry on like a pork chop (Acting most silly indeed)
  • Thongs (flip flops)
  • Hot chook (Pre-cooked supermarket rotisserie chicken, otherwise known as the Bachelor's Handbag)
  • Fair suck of the sauce bottle (Let's be real)
  • Shits me to tears (Something is mildly annoying)
  • Not here to fuck spiders (Expressing a situation is serious)
  • Having a piss-up (A social gathering)
  • I'll shout you (offering to goon an old chum)
  • A cruisy place (a relaxed atmosphere, where one might shout and goon the night away while enjoying many a gaytime in your favourite thongs)

a phrase that kinda bothers me when talking about women's historical roles in europe is "cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children." you hear it so often, those exact words in the same order even. and once you learn a little more you realize that the massive gaping hole in that list is fiberwork. im not an expert and have no hard numbers, but i wouldnt be surprised if fiberwork took up nearly as much time as the other three tasks combined, so it's not a trivial omission.

it's not a hot take to say that the mass amnesia about fiberwork is linked to the belittlement of women's work in geneal, but i do think there's a special kind of illusion that is cast by "cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children." you hear that and think "well i cook and clean and take care of children (or i know someone who does) and i have a sense of how much work that is" and you know of course that cooking and cleaning were more laborious before modern technology, but still, you have a ballpark estimate you think, when in fact you are drastically underestimating the work load.

i also think that this just micharacterizes the role of women's work in livelihoods? cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children are all sisyphean tasks that have to be repeated the next day. these are important, but not the whole picture. when we include all kinds of fiberwork—and other things, such as making candles or soap—women's work looks much more like manufacturing, a sphere we now associate more with men's work. i feel like women's connection to making and craftsmanship is often elided.

read Textiles: The Whole Story by Beverly Gordon

It is grotesque that, because we live surrounded by CHEAP fabric, and thus have no idea how fundamental and priceless the act of spinning and weaving indispensable this key technology was to humankind since the dawn of time


Occasionally as an Australian you'll be talking to someone from overseas, and you'll discover a common phrase you took for granted is, in fact, not universally known outside of our country.

Turns out casually dropping "fuck me dead" into conversation will give unsuspecting Americans an aneurism.

The more you know.

Imagine being on a work call with an Aussie and they suddenly announce they're gonna blow a load in response to a problem.


Not to go "if you have ADHD just go for a run" or anything, but I am so serious if you have ADHD you should regularly go outside, no headphones no phone no nothing and just stand and observe for a while until you've had enough. Not until you get bored, until you've had enough. Drink your coffee without watching tiktok. Have a bath without music. Turn down the volume in your headphones. I cannot overstate how much learning to be bored is cruicial with ADHD. Life is not just about pleasure, no matter what your dysregulated dopamine system thinks, and when you teach your brain to be okay with being bored, then boring tasks stop feeling like torture. By letting yourself be bored you are yoinking your system out of the high/low binary and allow for the highs to feel like actual highs and not just anything that isn't low. I am so serious go literally touch grass. Listen to the sounds in your flat. Stimulate your body the way it was designed. It lowers anxiety and makes you feel like you're real and best of all it's completely free

I really wish more ADHD mental health care told you WHY things like this matter to our quality of life.

The Hyperactivity in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is NOT about being physically hyperactive, it's about having a "hyperactive central nervous system" because it's a form of inheritable dysautonomia. The problem with disautonomia, especially the ADHD kind, is that it makes boredom flag to your nervous system as a THREAT, triggering hyperactive and maladaptive central nervous system processes like fight or flight.

But dysautonomia kills you that way. Literally, part of the reason our average life spand increase on stimulents is that it helps manage risk-taking impulsivity that can get us killed by accident, but the other part is that stimulents can regulate a hyperactive CNS such that it is functionally (while impacted by the stimulent) NOT dysregulated anymore. And PHYSIOLOGICALLY that is essential because the physical outcomes of dysautonomia can reduce your life span by YEARS if not decades through self-perpetuating hypervigelence, endocrine disruption, and adrenal fatigue.

So when the ADHD brain goes stimulation-seeking and a doctor tells you to practice mindfulness, it feels like being told "hey go stand in a functioning boiler until you can stop thinking" rather than WHAT IT IS which is the process of re-teaching your body what is and isn't safe.

Standing outside making mindful, non-interpretive/moralized observation of the world helps your brain and body re-acclimate to the idea that absence of that frantic "busy" feeling isn't a threat or a risk to your safety, and gradually reduces the level of distress that just hanging out somewhere triggers for you.

Learning WHY this stuff was being suggested and understanding what it was actually supposed to do went a long way towards changing my relationship with my ADHD. I am FAR more functional now, far less prone to shame spirals and rejection sensitivity, hell, I can **sit physically still for near on an hour at a time** now without feeling like I'm going to crawl out of my skin.

So yeah. Go outside. Let the world narrow around you and take deep breaths until it stops feeling claustrophobic or like you need to climb walls. Learn how to let little sensations become big ones like the way the heat of the sun on your skin starts as a gentle warming and be omes a unique collection of sensory moments depending on how it lands on you. Listen for sounds under sounds and let them fade in and out as you move your focus from one sound to the next. Enjoy. Move on. Rinse and repeat.

When you no longer feel like the world is actively killing you, it's a lot easier to navigate it.

S++ tier addition to the post, thank you tumblr user butts bouncing on the beltway


you will miss this in 40 or 48 hours. twitter will smooth your brain down like a river stone, and you will find yourself longing for a social media platform that hasn't meaningfully changed in a decade. you don't know I'm posting about you in real time bc Sarah has timestamps switched off. I'm not dead, Grant. Grant, let me out of the casket. Graaaant,


Today, for no reason at all, I thought it would be fun to share some of the sketches from the making of Ludinus Da’Leth!

I really enjoyed working on concepts for the withered arm, especially. I’m very into catholic iconography, especially depictions of the saints in art, and I used a lot of that influence to make his arm a symbol of what Ludinus was willing to sacrifice on behalf of his goals. I think he thinks of that sacrifice as something to be venerated. Hence the gilding and what-not.

Oh I forgot the staves!

I was so proud of the design for Ludinus’ staff. The gothic tracery was designed to validate and uphold the hagiographic imagery of the arm. I honestly think the staff is one of my best object designs ever, for CR.

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